Stop Driving

Hello. My team I was running some simulations for my teams robot before we go to the regional competition and I found out an issue with our pneumatic gearbox. To resolve this I was thinking about making a button that when the driver presses and holds it will set our drive motors (jaguar1, jaguar2, jaguar4, & jaguar5) to off even if the driver is pushing forward on the joystick. Is there a way I can do this. I can’t try anything because we can’t take our robot out of the bag. Can i make this button override robot drive and make it stop driving when the button is pressed? Thanks!

I’m not a programmer so I’m not entirely sure what I’m talking about, but there should be a way to program your motors to brake so that when there is no driver input the motors will actively fight forces trying to turn them instead of freely spinning. I’m not sure if that would solve the issue your having but I just thought it might help.

Im trying to get it so that the button overrides joystick input and stops the robot and continues driving when the button is released.

Set a button to that allow motors to move when not pressed, but when pressed overrides all values to zero. I dont know how java works because i only know labview. but im sure its not that different.

Not sure if this is what you mean, but:

if(button.get()) {
else {
    DriveTrain.tankDrive(leftJoystick.getY(), rightJoystick.getY());

How about this?

bool stopp = false;
if (!stopp)
    DriveTrain.tankDrive(leftJoystick.getY(), rightJoystick.getY());
if (button.get())
    stopp = true;

Does this help?

Ok thanks ill start writing out some code for it and test it at the regionals

This example will only work if you’re using RobotDrive, have its safety feature enabled, and have the timeout set low enough. Otherwise, it’ll just stop changing the motors’ speeds instead of actually stopping them.

Is the safety feature enabled by default?


bool stopp = false;
if (!stopp)
    DriveTrain.tankDrive(leftJoystick.getY(), rightJoystick.getY());
if (button.get())
    stopp = true;
    DriveTrain.tankDrive(0.0, 0.0);

Sorry. I’ve actually been programming in C++. This year we had a function using something like this that would take control from the driver and autonomously take control using the sensors. It was flawless (we programmed it during the final three rounds of the competition :stuck_out_tongue: )