Strange noises from the BaneBots gearbox/CIM combination.

We just test assembled our CIM/Banebots transmissions.

One unit purrs like a kitten. The other unit growls like a lion.

We disassembled the noisy assembly several times, and swapped CIMs but it still seems to have something not quite right. At one point the motor actually stalled.

We tested the CIM independantly and it seems fine.

At one point, when the CIM was off the gearbox, there was a distinct “crunchiness” when hand turning the gearbox output drive shaft.

This unit was brand new, and we’d never even mounted it to a chassis.

What do we do?

Do we try to dissasemble the entire planetary drive and try to clean it, or see if FIRST can get us a replacement, or do we need to go directly through BaneBots? It kinda puts a crimp in our progress.

Anyone else have a noisy drive?


Check to make sure there is a sufficient amount of grease in your gearboxes because that could be a problem and if that doesn’t work I would say carefully slide out the gears and make sure they are aligned.

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Check out items 2&3. If this doesn’t help contact BaneBots

Ours did this too. The black pinion spacer is a bit too long. Grind or file it down ~ 1mm.

Studying for an english exam?

Just file a very small amount of the peice repeatedly until it becomes the correct length.

This happened to us too… It just turned out for us that we did not have all 4 screws on the plate down all the way… so check to see if you have all of your screws torqued down.