Stressed yet??

We’re now more than two weeks into the build…how stressed are you and your team? With this year’s game fairly intricate…how much do you anticipate the stress to rise?
On a scale of 1-10 (ten the highest), for me…Im about an 8…I am in charge of and working alone and designing/building our scoring arm (was supposed to be simple, never turns out that way, eh? :ahh: )
As for our team- maybe a 6 or 7…other parts of our build are going fairly well.

Team 294 is at a mellow stress level of 1.

30 seconds after the game release i was stressed. :stuck_out_tongue: We are ok right now, will get stressed in 2 weeks though probably.

After meeting with our sponsors today, I’ll say a high 7. Only because i’m sick at the moment and I have a lot of stuff to do. However, what I need to CAD out won’t even be needed for another week so I have a few days to do it. However, if it wasn’t for being sick, i’d be at a 5 because everything is going very well and all of our parts are coming together nicely and assembly can continue once we get some parts we purchased shipped to us this week and next week.

Yeah, pretty stressed, we don’t even have our materials yet… Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Think that’s about it…

Stress? what’s that… we are having fun.

So are we since Cr@ig left : p
“only arefin would probably get this…”

1745 is at about a 1.

the robot is due to be done Friday(every thing just came together over the last 2 days).

the only thing left to stress over is the pneumatics and the gyro, both are lost in the eather of postage.

weird build season

Stress… nah! I am in FIRST I enjoy what I am doing, but I do go crazy…

private String crazy = YES;
private String true = YES;
private String stress = YES;
private String InFIRST = YES;
private int week = 0;
private int six_weeks = 6;

while(week <= six_weeks)
while(InFIRST == stress)

System.out.println(“crazy? I was crazy once… they locked me in a room… a rubber room… a rubber room with rubber rats… rats? … I hate rats… they drive me crazy…”);



week = week + 1;

Yes! My code says I am stuck in a stressful yet fun vortex! :smiley:

please, after last years build season this ones cake. last year we were still finding tools to build the bot with (chopsaw???:wink: ), Seriously this year has been weird, nothings gone horiblly wrong yet witch has me kinda worried. Plus we actually knew each other before build season, witch is kinda nice. So i’d say that my personal stress level is about a 3 just because i’m looking to the horizen knowing the troubles coming…

Team 604 is still waiting on gear stock which was backordered, which means that we can’t make our transmissions, which means that we can’t test our drive train, which means we can’t mount anything else on the robot chassis, which is holding up everything else. No going forward until the gear stock arrives.

Stressed indeed, at stress level 1.5.

I’m suprised as I’m writting this … but Team 1852 is feeling almost no stress (a max stress level of 2)

I’m sure that number will go up as the amount of time left to build the bot goes down. This inverse relation has always been true with FIRST :slight_smile:

Even though I am balancing Mentoring with PhD Lab work and classes…my stress level is at an all time low! Maybe its because I am working with a great group of students, mentors, and teachers at Team 401. Maybe its the Krispy Kream. Maybe Both. Who knows :slight_smile:

2006 is just catching up to me now finally. :frowning: idk about anyone else.

2007 snuck up on me.
And stressed??

Just a bit.

Well, besides our chassis being put on hold due to us waiting for our wheels, everything else is going rather nicely.

However participation in the last couple days has dropped drastically, thursday and friday were pretty bad in terms of participation for our team, and part of saturday. However from noon onward saturday we got -a lot- done.

All things aside I’d say overall team stress level is around a 2.5 out of ten. My stress level? At least 8 at the moment, there’s so much to do, and with people not showing up it’s not getting done =P… Oh well, everything usually gets done. I need to not worry so much~

I would say our team is about a 9…we lost a whole week due to an ice storm…we would be at a 10 but we figured out what kind of drive train we are going to use today


Don’t you hate how a bunch of small, insignificant changes can bring the whole system down?

Low stress now…plenty of time, robot weight is not a problem.

High stress is when the robot is >20 lbs overweight the weekend before ship!

Don’t let it happen to you!

Probably only a 3 right now, as we have our chassis & transmissions assembled and are working on our tower/ramp base structure at the moment, plus the only thing left to really decide on is how to exactly do the ramps.

I’d say just a week ago or so I was at a 9 though, since we were rushing to get our Championship PO through as well as get all the information for paying for it to students, while working out a t-shirt quote and finding presents for my girlfriend’s birthday in the midst of it all.

Well right now i am not that stressed but we have some goals on our team that have a deadline of next Tuesday so as it gets closer to that date I will be feeling more stressed.

The real stress though comes as we get closer to ship date