Struggling to implement PathPlanner in Robotpy

Hi everyone,

This is my team’s first year using RobotPy as our programming language, and we are trying to implement PathPlanner but we just can’t seem to figure it out as there doesn’t seem to be any examples whatsoever in Python. If someone could provide a full example of PathPlanner implemented in Python that would be extremely helpful.

This is our code for this year so far. I’ve created the auto command and configured the AutoBuilder, but I just can’t seem to make the drive function get called. I keep getting a loop overflow error.

There might be a few small mistakes as we were experimenting around with just literally any random thing we could think of.

We’re not using swerve, but our repo uses PathPlanner to build an auto and run it with an LTV controller following multiple paths. No event markers, or more complicated PathPlanner things yet but a start.

it will run in the simulator if you want to debug it.

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