Hey Guys!
So right now I’m undertaking this opportunity of visiting Ireland with a Study Group from George Mason University. Basically its a Study Abroad Program, through which I’ll be getting history credits. This is the first time I’m doing this, (I’ve already booked my second trip to Russia too ).
So does anyone else has done this before? I mean in general. How was the experience like? Does it really worth all that tuition money?
My son Dan studied abroad in Spain with Georgia Tech during his Junior Year, and it was an excellent experience for him. The nice thing for him (and me) was that it was the same cost (or less) to study abroad as it was to attend in Atlanta. GT charges in-state tuition for the semester that a student studies abroad, so the difference from out-of-state tuition ($1910 versus $9440 this year) more than paid for the travel expenses. How can you beat that?
My older son is probably going to Australia for part of junior year, starting this summer. In engineering. Still working with the university getting all the details. He’s been planning and looking forward to this since starting college. Considered programs in England, Sweden and Turkey, but picked Australia for the program.
I spent a semester in Puebla, Mexico during my junior year of college. It was definitely valuable – despite not being far from the US, the culture/lifestyle is very different, so I got a good perspective there. Also, I took classes in both engineering and in humanities, so my Spanish (which was good already, for someone having only learned in the US) picked up like crazy in both conversational and technical vocabularies. I know it’s not possible for everyone, but if you can study someplace where you can apply your foreign language classes, it’s definitely a good thing.
Keep in mind that valuable != best time ever (necessarily). I know some people who studied abroad who went right back right after graduating, who made really incredible friends, and who think it’s the best thing they ever did. I had a really hard time while away – didn’t like my university (lots of cheating, lab partners who took advantage of my foreign-ness to blame me for problems in front of the professor), and the international student office there repeatedly screwed me out of my money, and it took me six months after I left to get everything straightened out – so be careful, and try to plan it kind of the same way you planned your normal college: don’t just go somewhere cheap because it’s cheap (like I did). Go somewhere you really think you could be happy.