Hi FIRSTers! Everyone’s having a good season I hope, sleeping less, stressing more and eating lunch with Andy? Even in the midst of this February madness, I would have one favor to ask of each team:
Please submit your students to the Dean’s List.
You have great, hardworking students on your team. That’s pretty much a given. Why not honor them and celebrate your team by nominating them to this prestigious award? Just as your would put forth a totally awesome mentor for the Woodie Flowers Award (which, if you don’t you definitely should!), do the same for your students. The submission involves a few pictures, some identifying information and a 4,000 character essay, but more details on all of this can be find in the Awards Section of the Administrative Manual (http://frc-manual.usfirst.org/viewItem/2#6). I would greatly encourage everyone to read the criteria before selecting their candidates and absolutely before writing the essay in order to understand what the judges are looking for. So please, try to submit two (preferably Junior) students for the Dean’s List.