Sudden NAVX disconnections

We are using java and the latest wpilib and latest roborio firmware.
Our NAVX(classic, connected through MXP) sometimes shutdown (we checked that using the isConnected() method). Every time the same thing happens we drive a bit, the navx disconnects/shutdown, our robot goes crazy, couple of seconds pass the navx is connected again, the navx calibrating, the navx shows super weired values & won’t let you reset him (maybe he lost his calibration), after some more time the navx going back to normal.

We have tried switching two navx’s two roborio’s and it doesn’t seem to work.

Another weired thing we have another robot which seems that it doesn’t effected by the issue ( we think, we are not sure).

Anyways thanks for your help.

Is the Navx also connected to the roborio via usb or is it just in the slot?

By connecting it by usb it can stay powered on even during a brownout which might be the cause of your shutdowns.

Sounds like @Kaleb_Dodd has the solution. For reference, this is discussed in item 2 in the navX-MXP Best Practices Guide.

Thanks a lot, you solved our issue

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Glad to have helped.

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