Suggestion for photo gallery

Hello CD Staff,

I wanted to make a small suggestion about the image gallery. I often view a lot of photos at a time, but I don’t like continually clicking on the previous/next button, since I have to scroll up and down to see the image and then to click the button for the next image. I feel like it would be more intuitive to have a gallery feature where you just use the arrow keys to go to the previous/next image. It would be similar to facebook photo gallery, where the image is opened up and the comments are displayed to the side, and you can use arrow keys to go to the previous and next images in the gallery.

-Just a thought.

-Anupam Goli

CD-Media addresses most of what you are looking for

It seems like the same old photo gallery that I browsed 20 minutes ago. Perhaps you misunderstood what I was saying?

I was more trying to suggest changes to the photos section of CD-media.