Does anybody have any suggestions for some code my team can build before the kickoff in LabView? This way we can save some time during the build season by just using the pre-built code.
Does anybody have any suggestions for some code my team can build before the kickoff in LabView? This way we can save some time during the build season by just using the pre-built code.
Some things to try:
Just a few ideas.
Agreeing with Ari423 plus a one other idea.
You could experiment with using the gyro and a PID for making turns and driving straight, then use this to build an architecture for autonomous. This is often the piece of code that my programming department has to spend the most time with due to the need for accuracy despite the absence of a human driver.
My team has been going through and making a general utility pallet that we will have on everyone computer. Here are some of the blocks we have made
Also during the pre season we have challenges with are min robots where the programmers have to program the robot to play some game. While doing this we not only sharpend the kids labview and problem solving skills but also generated lots of those general VI’s
The RoboRio has a built in gyro. I have no idea what it’s capable of.
Could be fun to find out.
It’s actually an accelerometer unfortunately.
JohnM, just be aware that any code you build during the off-season (or before) cannot be used in the following competition season unless you post the code in a public place before kickoff for everyone to use.
Rule R13 from last year “Software and mechanical/electrical designs created before Kickoff are only permitted if the source files (complete information sufficient to produce the design) are available publicly prior to Kickoff.”