Thanks to all the volunteers for a great event!
Thanks to all the teams attending, hope you had a good time.
Congrats to 5687, 4564, and 3609 for taking home the towels.
S’mores were a big hit 4055.
Blueberries and syrup were delicious 885.
Thanks 2648 and 6172 for chaperones.
Thanks to team 133 and 172 for staying all the way to the end to put stuff away.
Thanks to FIRST for providing the field.
If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me, its been a long three days.
Thank you for putting together an awesome but HOT event! We were a bit concerned we would be the “outsiders” being the only Connecticut team but everyone including all the teams in attendance made us feel very welcome. We had such a blast playing with all the new faces and teams we normally don’t see until NEChamps. This event just solidified our decision to attend more events outside of CT and Western MA.
A quick comment from Lauren Jefferson really hit home on the point, “Everyone in CT knows NRG, nobody here does because you don’t normally play with them”
Our 2 alliance partners 1768 and 3585 were absolutely outstanding. Even in the face of adversity with 1768’s shooter out of commission for the Semifinals we were able to keep the score very close for match #2. Thanks you both for the hard fought effort and not giving up, both your teams have a real fighting spirit just like us.
It was sad to see our #1 and #2 seed, 319 and 131 pair up and be eliminated by the #8 alliance. Congratulations to the #3 alliance 4564, Orange Chaos, 5687, The Outliers, and 3609, Duct Tape Dragons. You definitely worked very hard to get the win.
We are looking forward to attending not only Summer Heat 2017 but have already registered for Battle of the bay 2016 and are considering Mainly Spirit 2016 as well. The event was well worth the extended drive and would encourage all of the northern teams to attempt to travel to southern New England for both off season as well as in season event.
NRG has finally broken out of our comfort zone of Connecticut and Western Mass and would like to challenge everyone in New England to do the same. Let’s all try and make New England a place where play against all the teams in our district instead of in isolated groups. We plan on coming north more in the future to play with all of you as much as possible.
Thanks again to everyone in attendance for making us all feel welcome!
Huge thanks to team 58 and to everyone who contributed to making this event a success! We all had fun and our first time driver and operator in particular had a blast. The event had a fantastic atmosphere and it was well worth getting up at 3:45am in order to make it there!
Shout-out to our playoff partners 4055 and 3585 for fighting the good fight .
Had a blast announcing at Summer Heat again this year. Definitely one of the smoothest events out there, the 58 crew knows what they’re doing. And despite only 24 robots (3 of which not built for stronghold), the competition was very entertaining. Lots of amazing defense as well as some great elims matches and high scores.
Elims alliances and results that I can remember:
1: 319, 131, 3931 (3930s 2013 bot) QF
2: 4055, 1768, 3585 SF
3: 4564, 5687, 3609 W
4: 85 (58’s practice robot), 58, 3451 QF
5: 1519, 885, 418 (kitbot from first HQ) F
6: 5122, 133 (practice robot since they were also at IRI this weekend), 2175 (kitbot from first HQ) QF
7: 6172, 5459, 271 (172s practice bot) QF
8: 2648, 172, 3930 SF
4564 declined 4055
8 seed upset the 1 seed in the first round due to 2648 shooting out of their mind, as well as some untimely comm issues. almost every alliance was playing defense in some regard, and the 3 seed was able to pull out the win thanks to 4564 and 5687 being able to shoot from close range even with defense on them. Finals match 1 was a 5 point victory for the 5 seed, but a 1519 tip in match 2 changed the momentum, resulting in a large win followed by a 4 point win in match 3, albeit with a penalty in their favor. Overall the elimination rounds were some of the most fun all year for me because I legitimately felt that 4 or 5 alliances could actually win the event.