does anybody know of a good engineering program which will take place the summer of 2004 at any university …
**Purdue ** (click on links on left) (for canadian universities)
i would love to come to purdue for the summer… but i prefer canada … only one person knows why…
WPI has a two-week on-campus summer program for Juniors and Seniors called Frontiers.
A link for more info is:
If you click on ‘Areas of Study’ and scroll to the bottom you can read up on the Robotics Major. There are also many other engineering disciplines offered. It’s a great time every year (and we even had someone from Canada in the Robotics major last year…)
Duke University has very hard to get into, three week areospace engineering course through its TIP program
And Last summer I took two oneweek courses at New Mexico Tech.
Chemical Engineering, and Materials Engineering(you get to blow stuff up in this one)
I cant find the link to those but you could probably find it at the NMT website
I took a week long course at NCSU it was really totally made of awesome. I took the autonomous robotics one where you build and program a small robot. Also there are programs for just about every field of engineering. There is another thread about the NASA summer internship program. There are programs all over the country. One i wanted to do, but didnt know about it till it was too late was the one at carnagie mellon. That one looked awesome.
Thank you so much … i am looking over most of the universities that you guys recommended… and gotta make a decision eventually… (canadian university works… ;))