My team (mecharams 999) is looking to upgrade our pit setup and I’ve been finding ways we could get a super pit. So super pit teams, what did you need to get for your case to turn into your completed workstation?
Our team (8727) made a post about a DIY super pit setup that we created, and something similar could suit you guys. The main idea of the pit setup was for us to create our own road cases for a setup that we are familiar with, where we integrated our main tool chest and our toolboxes. If you want to see our pit setup we wrote about it in a CD post (glitch 2.0 budget super pit) but you guys should totally do something similar.
What is your current pit setup? Do you mind posting any pictures?
Lots of teams have setups that work for them and are not necessarily a “super pit”. What sort of thing do you have in mind?
I would send a pic but u don’t have any. We are bringing a toolbox to comp season events but it’s pretty unorganized and we have already lost some things. I was thinking something like high tides pit.
Taking inspiration from the superpit concept our previous team president designed this to provide similar functionality on a reduced budget: