Support the development of the Hermes Spacecraft

I’ve mentioned before that we have reached a point in time where we need to reinvent how we think about space, and how we plan to get there in the future.

A small team of aerospace entrepreneurs are developing a suborbital spacecraft for the commercial enjoyment of anyone willing to pay to fly. They claim to be doing it in their spare time and weekends. Their funding source? Anyone who’s willing to chip in a buck!

The Hermes Spacecraft

Many teams fundraise for philanthropic efforts, like to cure cancer with relay for life. It’d be darn cool to see a team put there energy toward helping propel the commercial space program, possibly get a team logo on a testflight! Imagine the networking opportunities.

I am in no way affiliated with the Hermes team or Kickstart, just thought it was a cool concept everyone on Chief Delphi would enjoy