Survivor All-Stars: Who will be the Sole Survivor?

The best of the best is now down to 4. Which means I can take bets. :wink:

Amber (1-2): As you may all remember from my original thread, I had her at even odds to start (you know, if she stayed away from Jerri). I think she’s just staying under, letting Rob do everything, and letting him take all the heat. If she ends up in the final 2, she’s prettymuch golden.

Jenna L. (3-1): Originally, I had her at 8-1 odds (semi-decent considering that was with all 18). The only way she’s going to win is if she either takes both immunities, or she and Rupert somehow beat Rob and Amber, and she takes the last immunity.

Rob M. (8-1): I had him at 12-1 (not so good, just below the top tier). I’d make these odds worse, but if by some miracle of god that he won and I had to pay off everybody who betted on him, I’d go broke. :wink: Lets face it, he’s been manipulating to the ends of the Earth, and upon being booted, each mamber of the jury has commented on that. He has almost no chance.

Rupert (8-3): At 3-1 to start (definitely top tier), he’s essentially in the same position Jenna is in, but has a slightly better chance of acheiving the aforementioned.

I love Rob … but I agree, with all the backstabbing he has done, I don’t think he will win. He has played the game really well though. I am willing to put money on the fact that he will be in the final two though. even if he doesnt win immunity, it would be stupid of the person who does not to pick him.

I think Jenna will win though. Amber definitely wont because she was Rob’s sidekick and as a result everyone hates her too and have tried to vote her off in the past. And I just don’t like Rupert.

I don’t care for the show, I don’t watch the show, but since he graduated from the now defunct Haworth HS (which is the new Kokomo HS building that merged in the 80s) here in Kokomo, I gotta go with Rupert :stuck_out_tongue:

I definietly ahve to go with Rupert. Not sure if he’ll win per se :slight_smile: , but I think he’s the best player out there and he seems to be just a really cool guy.

I think it’s gonna be a coin toss between Rob and Rupert.

Amber is riding coattails. Enough said.

Jenna has proceeded to tick off most of the tribe, giving no one motive to vote for her.

Rob has a genuine chance to win, kinda like Richard Hatch did in Borneo. You hate his guts out, but he played the game so maniacally well that you have to give him cool points.

And I can’t forget my main man Rupert. For two straight seasons (and remember, he pretty much got home from Pearl Islands, turned around, and came back to Panama), it’s been 100 percent heart, all day every day. He’s always put out all he can, never dropping a challenge for strategy. So if he makes the final two, count on him to get a lot of votes from the I-Hate-Rob camp. (Personally, I think that he was more in his element back in Pearl Islands. The pirate thing worked well for him. Now bring back the looting!)

Jenna has ticked a lot of people off, but if it comes down to her and Rob, she will probably win. And too many members of the jury are bitter about Rob so they probably won’t vote for him, though I think they should.

If Rob wins immunity, who will he take with him in the final two ?? I know the obvious answer is Amber, but thinking about it, is that a strategic move for him ?? But then, who else CAN he take ??

Okay, let it be known I’m rooting for Rupert (although I was originally rooting for Richard, but we all knew he wasn’t going to win). I was rooting for him and the computer programmer chick in the Pearl Islands (you gotta love the hippie pirate). I just don’t think he has too great of a chance to win. Although because everybody’s voting for him, I have to adjust the odds.

Amber: 2-3
Jenna L: 7-2
Rob M: Still 8-1
Rupert: 2-1

My parents say Amber will win(I haven’t a clue who),

It’s amazing how these shows bring out the worst in us.

And a hippie pirate. :smiley: Anyhow, final odds:

Amber: 2-3
Jenna L: 3-1
Rob M: 15-2
Rupert: 7-3

I <3 Amber. She’s cute. I hate Rob.

I’d like to see Amber win, but I don’t think she deserves it. I voted Amber, I bet Rupert will win.