Swerve Autonomous mk4i with neos

so mi just try the patplanner but i cold not figure it out i just wrote a path and the robot just goes another way

Do you have any of your code that you can show and any more information? Otherwise, this is a near-impossible to answer question.

we just trying this code


we just draw a new path and it just doing unknown path every single time

Im not my team’s programmer, but I can talk to him to help you
We also have mk4i swerve modules

it would be awesome

Just took a look at your auto, it looks like you did not set a starting pose in your auto path, so the reason it seems like its going in random directions is because it is attempting to get to the start of your path

Check this box, and then add a starting pose of where the robot is going to be starting at the beginning of auto

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so do you think just we need to check that box?

add a start position (I recommend you to try all commands one by one in sequence :face_with_peeking_eye:)

okey let me try it thanks

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and when we try the autonomous how can we made a shot during autonomous while using path planner???