Swerve COde

Our team has no programmers please provide swerve code. We are using Talon SRX’s and a penguin gyro.


I think you mean Pigeon but I love Penguin better.

Anyways, have you tried using YAGSL?



In short, don’t try to use swerve this year.

You’re only 2 options which may get you a possibly functional swerve drive is with MAXSwerve modules OR a full CTRE Swerve Drive with Krakens. Both of these have readily available swerve template’s which are functional and require little to no debugging.

YAGSL is the only thing that is low-code but requires ALOT of debugging ESPECIALLY with your current setup.

If you want to see what you’re getting yourself into here are some docs i wrote and you should read ALL of them.

Please, don’t do swerve this year unless you feel like only having a RC robot at competition under the best case scenario.

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Hi, we kind of already went through this in the last thread. You’ve given us slightly more details this time but still a bit shy for what we need.


Again what motors, what gearboxes are attached to those motors, is it a prefab swerve or custom?

What are the encoders being used?

What language c++ or Java?

Do you know what IDs your motor controllers have set?

Did you Calibrate the swerve modules following the guides from the manufacturer?

Also maybe the pigeon to penguin is a translation error which seems like you’re not actually from 5944 in NY, USA. If you are not from that team please fix your profile accordingly.


I would seriously recommend holding off from swerve for this season.
I know this point has already been stated, but I want to reenforce it. Speaking from experience, as the only programmer on a relatively new team last year, we tried doing swerve during build season. Long story short, it cost us several matches in which we could not drive properly.
One thing you could do if the swerve drive hardware is your only option is to treat it like a tank drive. You could mechanically lock your swerve modules straight forward and disable/disconnect the turn motors. Then treat the whole system as a tank drive in the programming. (Here’s some information about that)


Stop feeding the troll.


fair, but there is still some good info floating out there now because of this for the next person who actually wants it.

Also… Our own community is full of trolls.


We’re just trying to spread the new information.