Swerve Comparison Spreadsheet

Updated with new MAXSwerve price & support for Kraken X60 motors & the Minion motor.
Reminder that:

If anyone else has any data point they would like to see, feel free to mention it. Also, note that for the Minion motor, I’ve assumed that it will be compatible as the turn motor for Swerve X2S and X2St as it has mounting holes compatible with 550 and 775 class motors, both of which are supported (and also I guess as the drive motor for any of WCP’s modules as they all are supposed to have support for those motors as drive motors). And a reminder that for motors that need motor controllers bought separately (REV motors & the Minion) that the recommended motor controller is included in the price (SPARK Flex for NEO Vortex, SPARK MAX for NEO/NEO 550, and Talon FXS for Minion), but included in the weight only for the NEO Vortex as for the others the motor controller resides off-module.