I have never tried to use the SDSSwerve Drive Specialties libraries, but it is my understanding they have not been maintained in a few years and it causes issues with the newer versions of WPILib and such.
I think the common recommendation is to either use the WPILib examples
allwpilib/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/swervecontrollercommand at main · wpilibsuite/allwpilib (github.com)
Use 364 template.
Or try YAGSL
Hello World!
YAGSL is a Generic Swerve Library (AN ACTUAL LIBRARY!) that aims to simplify the process of creating a comprehensive and complete SwerveDrive’s with best practices from MANY SwerveDrive examples.
The documentation wiki is here .
An example project is here .
Library is here .
Javadoc are here .
Second Order Kinematics with limited state-space estimation.
Uses closed-loop PID exclusively.
Dashboard for each swerve module.
Support for both Falcon’s and Neo’s without chang…