Our team is planning on building a simple swerve drive train to get us started for next year. What gyroscopes do your teams use to help maintain field-relative driving?
Looks like 2910 and 2147 use the NavX. 2910 is pretty much the best at swerve right now.
The modules are assembled and our code is responding to the joystick inputs as expected. However, the wheels rotate when the robot is enabled. So driving and strafing is always of by about 45 degrees. I’m assuming we need to tune the offsets and maybe change the gyro settings. That leads me to two questions…
How would you set the offsets?
We have mounted the NavX upside down. In this orientation it reads the yaw(Z) as plane parallel to the floor. Do we need to change the code since t…
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Any gyro with minimum drift should be good enough. I know people like using IMUs like the NavX.
Here’s a post outlining some of the pros and cons of different imus:
Hello all, I am interested in creating a centralized comparison of the various IMUs for FRC use. I have been doing research on the various options, and would like to get some feedback from the community, as eventually I plan on compiling this information into a whitepaper. What is your favorite IMU? Why? Here is my analysis of each:
Analog Devices’ ADIS16448:
The ADIS16448 IMU is, in my experience, my least favorite IMU available for FRC use. I have experienced the greatest amount of sens…
March 3, 2021, 5:45pm
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