Swerve drive only moves one set of motors

Hi all,

Our team’s Java swerve drive code only moves one set of motors, even though we are using two different axes on a Xbox Controller to move the drive and angle motors respectively. This code used to work normally, but now it doesn’t.

I’ll paste code in below.

Subsystems (SwerveDriveBase.java)
package frc.robot.subsystems;

import frc.robot.RobotMap;
import frc.robot.commands.SwerveDrive;
import frc.robot.commands.SwerveDrive.ControlType;

import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_TalonSRX;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.AnalogInput;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.controller.PIDController;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PIDOutput;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem;

* Subsystem used to control the Swerve Drive
public class SwerveDriveBase extends Subsystem {

public SwerveModule frMod;
public SwerveModule flMod;
public SwerveModule rrMod;
public SwerveModule rlMod;

private final double kp = 0;
private final double ki = 0.000;
private final double kd = 0.000;

 * Class used to set the swivel motor to the value calculated by the PID controller
public class PIDOutputClass implements PIDOutput {
	private WPI_TalonSRX swivelMot;
	public PIDOutputClass(WPI_TalonSRX swivelMot) {
		this.swivelMot = swivelMot;
	public void pidWrite(double output) {

 * Class used to make a swerve module
public class SwerveModule {
	WPI_TalonSRX driveMot;
	WPI_TalonSRX swivelMot;
	AnalogInput analogInput;
    PIDOutputClass pidOut;
	PIDController pidCont;
	double lastAngle;
	 * Constructs the swerve module
	 * @param swivelMot The motor that controls the module's rotation
	 * @param driveMot The motor that controls the module's drive speed
	 * @param analogInput Encoder that tracks the angle of the swivel motor
	public SwerveModule(
			WPI_TalonSRX swivelMot,
			WPI_TalonSRX driveMot,
			AnalogInput analogInput
			) {
		this.driveMot = driveMot;
		this.swivelMot = swivelMot;
		this.analogInput = analogInput;
		pidOut = new PIDOutputClass(swivelMot);
		pidCont = new PIDController(
				kp, ki, kd
	 * Method that sets a module's angle of the module and the speed of the drive wheel
	 * @param angle Angle of the module
	 * @param speed Speed of the drive wheel
	public void setModule(double angle, double speed) {
		//Resets the encoder if it gets too high or low not needed so deleted since analog 0 to 5 volts only
		double curAngle = getAngle();
		//Makes the module go to the opposite angle and go backwards when it's quicker than turning all the way around
    	if(Math.abs(angle - curAngle) > 90 && Math.abs(angle - curAngle) < 270 && angle != 0) {
    		angle = (angle + 180)%360;
    		speed = -speed;
    	//Makes it so when you stop moving it doesn't reset the angle to 0, but leaves it where it was
	    if(speed == 0) {
    	} else {
    		lastAngle = angle;
	//Sets the module to a specific angle
	public void setAngle(double angle) {
	//Sets the drive motor's speed
	public void setSpeed(double speed) {
	//Sets the Swivel Motor's speed
	public void setSwivel(double speed) {

	//Returns where the Encoder is
	public double getEncPercent() {
		return analogInput.getVoltage();
	//Gets the current angle of the module
	public double getAngle() {
		if (analogInput != null) {
			return ((getEncPercent()/5)*360);
		} else {
			return -1;


//Returns the cosine of an angle in radians
public double cosDeg(double deg) {
	return Math.cos(Math.toRadians(deg));

//Returns the sine of an angle in radians
public double sinDeg(double deg) {
	return Math.sin(Math.toRadians(deg));

 * Constructs the swerve modules, each with a VictorSP, a CANTalon, and an Encoder
public SwerveDriveBase() {
	//Creates the front left Swerve Module
	flMod = new SwerveModule(
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.frontLeftSwivel),
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.frontLeftDrive),
					new AnalogInput(RobotMap.FRONT_LEFT_ABSOLUTE)  )  				;
	//Creates the rear left Swerve Module
	rlMod = new SwerveModule(
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.REAR_LEFT_SWIVEL),
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.backLeftDrive),
					new AnalogInput(RobotMap.REAR_LEFT_ABSOLUTE) 
	//Creates the front right Swerve Module
	frMod = new SwerveModule(
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.FRONT_RIGHT_SWIVEL),
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.frontRightDrive),
					new AnalogInput(RobotMap.FRONT_RIGHT_ABSOLUTE) 
	//Creates the rear right Swerve Module
	rrMod = new SwerveModule(
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.REAR_RIGHT_SWIVEL),
					new WPI_TalonSRX(RobotMap.backRightDrive),
					new AnalogInput(RobotMap.REAR_RIGHT_ABSOLUTE) 
				; // ):

//Initiates SwerveDrive as the Default Command
public void initDefaultCommand() {
    setDefaultCommand(new SwerveDrive(ControlType.CONTROLLER));

 * Method for calculating and setting Speed and Angle of individual wheels given 3 movement inputs
 * @param fbMot Forward/Backward Motion
 * @param rlMot Right/Left Motion
 * @param rotMot Rotation Motion
 * @param fieldOriented If it's field oriented or not
public void swerveDrive(double fbMot, double rlMot, double rotMot, boolean fieldOriented) {

	double L = 23;
	double W = 23;
	double R = Math.sqrt((L*L) + (W*W));
	double A = rlMot - rotMot*(L/R);
	double B = rlMot + rotMot*(L/R);
	double C = fbMot - rotMot*(W/R);
	double D = fbMot + rotMot*(W/R);
	double frSpd = Math.sqrt((B*B) + (D*D));
	double flSpd = Math.sqrt((B*B) + (C*C));
	double rlSpd = Math.sqrt((A*A) + (C*C));
	double rrSpd = Math.sqrt((A*A) + (D*D));
	double t = 180/Math.PI;
	double frAng = Math.atan2(B, D)*t;
	double flAng = Math.atan2(B, C)*t;
	double rlAng = Math.atan2(A, C)*t;
	double rrAng = Math.atan2(A, D)*t;
	double max = frSpd;
	if(max < flSpd) max = flSpd;
	if(max < rlSpd) max = rlSpd;
	if(max < rrSpd) max = rrSpd;

	if(max > 1) {
		frSpd /= max;
		flSpd /= max;
		rlSpd /= max;
		rrSpd /= max;
	//Set Wheel Speeds and Angles
	frMod.setModule(frAng, frSpd);
	flMod.setModule(flAng, flSpd);
	rrMod.setModule(rrAng, rrSpd);
	rlMod.setModule(rlAng, rlSpd);
	System.out.println("FrAngle: "+frAng);
	System.out.println("FrSpeed: "+frSpd);
	System.out.println("FlAngle: "+flAng);
	System.out.println("FlSpeed: "+flSpd);
	System.out.println("rrAngle: "+rrAng);
	System.out.println("rrSpeed: "+rrSpd);
	System.out.println("rlAngle: "+rlAng);
	System.out.println("rlSpeed: "+rlSpd);

package frc.robot.commands;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command;

import frc.robot.OI;

import frc.robot.Robot;

public class SwerveDrive extends Command {

     //Enum used to set the way in which swerve is controlled

     public enum ControlType {

         CONTROLLER(1, 0, 4, 5, 4, 3, 6),

         JOYSTICK(1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 4, 6);


         int fbAxis;

         int rlAxis;

         int rotAxis;

         int doubleSpeed;

         int centerGyro;

         int zeroModules;

         int dockingMode;


          * Constructs the variables based on control type

          * @param fbAxis Forward/Backward axis

          * @param rlAxis Right/Left axis

          * @param rotAxis Rotation axis


          private ControlType(int fbAxis, int rlAxis, int rotAxis, int doubleSpeed, 

                  int centerGyro, int zeroModules, int dockingMode) {


                  this.fbAxis = fbAxis;

                  this.rlAxis = rlAxis;

                  this.rotAxis = rotAxis;

                  this.doubleSpeed = doubleSpeed;

                  this.centerGyro = centerGyro;

                  this.zeroModules = zeroModules;

                  this.dockingMode = dockingMode;



          public double getFBAxis() {

        return OI.xBoxController.getRawAxis(fbAxis);



    public double getRLAxis() {

        return OI.xBoxController.getRawAxis(rlAxis);



    public double getRotAxis() {

        return OI.xBoxController.getRawAxis(rotAxis);



    public boolean getDoubleSpeedButton() {

        return OI.xBoxController.getRawButton(doubleSpeed);



    public boolean getCenterGyroButton() {

        return OI.xBoxController.getRawButton(centerGyro);



    public boolean getZeroModulesButton() {

        return OI.xBoxController.getRawButton(zeroModules);



    public boolean getDockingModeButton() {

        return OI.xBoxController.getRawButton(dockingMode);




private ControlType controlType;

//Makes SwerveDrive require the subsystem swerveBase

public SwerveDrive(ControlType controlType) {


    this.controlType = controlType;


// Called just before this Command runs the first time

protected void initialize() {


// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run

protected void execute() {


    //Sets input for swerveDrive method as input from controller stick axes. Note: FBValue is negative as required by doc linked to in swerveDrive method

    Double fbValue = (controlType.getFBAxis())/2;

    Double rlValue = (controlType.getRLAxis())/2;

    Double rotValue = (controlType.getRotAxis())/2;



// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute()

protected boolean isFinished() {

    return false;


// Called once after isFinished returns true

protected void end() {


// Called when another command which requires one or more of the same

// subsystems is scheduled to run

              protected void interrupted() {



Well if the code used to work normally, it is likely a physical problem with your robot.

A suggestion since it’s still early in the build season… I’m just speculating, but since you’re having code problems it seems like a fair assumption that you don’t have extensive knowledge using a swerve drive either in the offseason or in previous seasons. If you’re not too far down the path, it may still be advantageous to consider doing a tank drive this season.

Swerve drives are extremely resource intensive, and they’re not necessarily the right choice even for teams that have a lot of experience doing them.

Unfortunately I’m no help when it comes to programming. Good luck solving your code problem and good luck this season!

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Echoing this - what changes did you make to your robot and/or code before it stopped working?

What exactly has (or could have) changed. Obviously something did. Whether it is in code or in hardware, it would be extremely helpful if you could give us a slightly broader picture of the situation.

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