Yes yes of course, the PID gains are tuned down to the thousand and is working perfectly.
And your neural network, are you running it on another coprocessor, a google coral maybe or where?
Yes yes of course, the PID gains are tuned down to the thousand and is working perfectly.
And your neural network, are you running it on another coprocessor, a google coral maybe or where?
We found that using a simple xbox joystick extender like this one can really help the driver with smooth control.
As a driver who started on tank and then learned swerve, it really helped with the fine control of the swerve, especially with lining up to the nodes last year.
Nice to see the Amish kids are getting into the games now. Ours have generally got a few years playing video games that require some pretty fine grained control (Halo, CoD, Forza, Need for Speed, etc) that translates well.
Our practice chassis bot that we put together this year wasn’t driving very well at first but after PID tuning, slew limiting the controls, and squaring joystick inputs it is working for the NES and XBOX generations alike.
Obligatory techskill post
Related; Putting notches or on octo-gate on a driver controller has potential for making things easier.
I’m sure our kids have played videogames too, but they’re used to just flicking the stick and a character instantly moving in that direction (there’s little/no inertia in games like CoD). Also not used to making high precision movements with the stick, since console aim assist helps a lot.
Their first instinct is to do a series of small flicks to make small adjustments, rather than a single smooth motion.
Filters would emulate that affect pretty well.
Does this function addPeriodic() offer any risk of damage to the RoboRIO?
I strongly doubt it, given that its an internal WPILIB function. I would not believe it if WPILIB included functions that could directly damage the Rio. Empirically, we used it throughout 2023, with our season and offseason robot, and had no issues with it.
I’ll link this comment from a question I posted 2 years ago on a similar topic, though it doesn’t mention Rio damage, it doesn’t mention many dangers or precautions.
I think you ignored the two racing games up there (Forza and Need for Speed) both of which, along with do not reward flicking and actually require the precise trigger control needed for driving. Also, FPS games aren’t usually controller based, but rather focus on another driver skill, reaction time and strategical planning. An example of precision control:
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