We were trying to run the Advantage Kit swerve template as described in the instructions here We updated all our motors to Phoenix6-beta and the vendordeps in the code are also running the 2025 beta version. However, we kept getting the error “Too Old API”. I would like to hear any suggestions.
I experienced a similar issue as you. The solution I found was downgrading the firmware of all of my devices to the 2025 v2 firmware version instead of the v3.
You’re probably using the latest firmware (, which requires the beta-4 vendordep. During beta, we frequently back-break between releases, so you must ensure both your firmware and your vendordep are on the latest beta.
In your case, “API too old” means that your API version is too old compared to your firmware version (i.e. your vendordep is out-of-date). So you should update it in your robot project to beta-4: 3rd Party Libraries.
Note that I think you need WPILib beta-3 for the “Java/C++” tab in that link, otherwise you can use the “Java/C++ (Legacy)” instructions.