Swerve Turning Issue (YAGSL)

Hello, I am with team 5857 and we have recently started programing our mk4i L1 swerve drive for this season. We decided on using the YAGSL library per the recommendation of a mentor, we do like and understand it, I would also say it is going relatively well as we are able to more forward, back, left, and right quite effectively and have set up our absolute encoders to work properly. The issue we now face is turning, the robot seems to point the wheels inward instead of where they need to be. I will share an Image bellow where the right picture is what it should be doing and the left is what it is. Here is our GitHub GitHub - Team5857/2024CodeScendo. Thank you for the help and we look forward to your feedback. swereve5857.png - Google Drive

I recommend reading this Configuration - YAGSL

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My team has had off and on issues with the wheels doing funky things with YAGSL. We migrated to BaseTalonFXSwerve. We just removed all the unnecessary modules as we only use the MK4i and it works great. Also no extra files being deployed to the rio too.

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