SysID arm characterization help

After running the characterization routine on our arm we get this error, no idea what could be causing it.

Here is the file:
sysid_data20220305-170121.json (237.1 KB)

Any help would really be appreciated.

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Looks like something went wrong with your test routine. Try running it again, and be extra mindful of backlash (i could imagine it causing what I’m seeing here).

This is actually the 2nd run, here was another: sysid_data20220305-165803.json (224.1 KB)

Those data aren’t bad, but there aren’t enough of them. Do you have any extra throw on your mechanism?

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No, unfortunately that is the full travel of it.

Then you might be better off using theoretical gains (you can get them from ReCalc). If you ran the test routine a few more times and played with the voltages you’d probably be able to get a usable set of data, but it’ll be a pain.

Alright, thank you so much.

I know this is an old thread, but are there any good written or video tutorials for using SYSID on an arm subsystem?

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