We are trying to characterize our swerve drivetrain using SysId. Our modules use REV Neos and we use URCL to log our motor states. We ran all four SysId routine tests in the same log, loaded the log into AdvantageScope and exported the log to include the URCL output. When we open the log in SysId and assign all the test state fields and attempt to load, the program hard crashes. Any thoughts?
Here’s a screenshot of SysId before we push “load” after which the program crashes.
This is a known issue with the kickoff releases of SysId and AdvantageScope, but has since been fixed. Try downloading WPILib 2024.2.1 (which includes the latest AdvantageScope and SysId versions), then re-export the original log file from AdvantageScope and open it in SysId. Let us know if you run into further issues.
I’m not aware of any changes that should affect this. If you have a log that is crashing the latest version of SysId it would be useful if you could post it here.
If SysId is completely crashing when loading the broken log (and not just displaying an error message), I would encourage you to open an issue on WPILib. The application should always display some type of error message in case of issues instead of crashing outright.