System: Watchdog problems

Recently my team flashed the newest Driver Station software found here

Ever since we did that & rewired some of the electrical box we have been getting a “System: WatchDog” and I went to here to debug it.

Competition port dongle is in and set to enabled

Everything is networked properly ( I pinged each IP to make sure)

The cRIO has imaged to it, Workbench is updated to 3.0.1718

Lastly the code I was trying to run on it is as follows

#include "WPILib.h"
#include "vxWorks.h" 
#include "Encoder.h"
#include "DigitalInput.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "Utility.h"	
#include "WPIStatus.h"
#include "Relay.h"
#include "DigitalModule.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "Accelerometer.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include "AxisCamera.h" 
#include "BaeUtilities.h"
#include "FrcError.h"
#include "TrackAPI.h" 
#include "Target.h" 

// To locally enable debug printing: set the debugFlag to a 1, to disable set to 0
static int TwoColorDemo_debugFlag = 0;
#define DPRINTF if(TwoColorDemo_debugFlag)dprintf

#define PI 3.14159265358979

// for 160x120, 50 pixels = .38 %
#define MIN_PARTICLE_TO_IMAGE_PERCENT 0.25		// target is too small
#define MAX_PARTICLE_TO_IMAGE_PERCENT 20.0		// target is too close

/** Simple test to see if the color is taking up too much of the image */
int tooClose(ParticleAnalysisReport* par) {
	if (par->particleToImagePercent > MAX_PARTICLE_TO_IMAGE_PERCENT)
		return 1;
	return 0;

/** Simple test to see if the color is large enough */
int bigEnough(ParticleAnalysisReport* par) {
	if (par->particleToImagePercent < MIN_PARTICLE_TO_IMAGE_PERCENT)
		return 0;
	return 1;

class BuiltinDefaultCode : public IterativeRobot
	// Declare variable for the robot drive system
	RobotDrive *m_robotDrive;		// robot will use PWM 1-2 for drive motors
	RobotDrive *m_Shooter;			// Robot Shoots with PWM 3-4
	RobotDrive *m_Lift;				// Robot will use PWM 5 & 6 for the Lift Motors
	// Declare Servo's & Tracking Variables
	Servo *horizontalServo;  		// first servo object
	Servo *verticalServo;			// second servo object
	float horizontalDestination;	// servo destination (0.0-1.0)
	float verticalDestination;		// servo destination (0.0-1.0)
	float horizontalPosition, verticalPosition;	// current servo positions
	float servoDeadband;			// percentage servo delta to trigger move
	int framesPerSecond;			// number of camera frames to get per second
	float panControl;				// to slow down pan
	double sinStart;				// control where to start the sine wave input for pan
	TrackingThreshold td1, td2;		// color thresholds
	ParticleAnalysisReport par1, par2;		// particle analysis reports
	// Declare Encoder Variables for Input
	Encoder *encoderMotor1;
	Encoder *encoderMotor2;
	// Declare Accelerometer
	Accelerometer *accl;
	// Declare FlipperDoor Variable
	Relay *flipperdoor; // Flipperdoor
	// Declare GearTooth
	DigitalInput *flipperdoorright;
	DigitalInput *flipperdoorleft;
	// Declare Gyro
	Gyro* gyro;
	// Declare a variable to use to access the driver station object
	DriverStation *m_ds;						// driver station object
	UINT32 m_priorPacketNumber;					// keep track of the most recent packet number from the DS
	UINT8 m_dsPacketsReceivedInCurrentSecond;	// keep track of the ds packets received in the current second
	// Declare variables for the two joysticks being used
	Joystick *m_rightStick;			// joystick 1 (arcade stick or right tank stick)
	Joystick *m_leftStick;			// joystick 2 (tank left stick)
	static const int NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS = 16;
	bool m_rightStickButtonState(NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS+1)];
	bool m_leftStickButtonState(NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS+1)];	
	// Declare variables for each of the eight solenoid outputs
	static const int NUM_SOLENOIDS = 8;
	Solenoid *m_solenoids(NUM_SOLENOIDS+1)];

	enum {							// drive mode selection
	} m_driveMode;
	// Local variables to count the number of periodic loops performed
	UINT32 m_autoPeriodicLoops;
	UINT32 m_disabledPeriodicLoops;
	UINT32 m_telePeriodicLoops;
 * Constructor for this "BuiltinDefaultCode" Class.
 * The constructor creates all of the objects used for the different inputs and outputs of
 * the robot.  Essentially, the constructor defines the input/output mapping for the robot,
 * providing named objects for each of the robot interfaces. 
	BuiltinDefaultCode(void)	{
		printf("BuiltinDefaultCode Constructor Started

		// Create a robot using standard right/left robot drive on PWMS 1, 2, 3, and #4
		m_robotDrive = new RobotDrive(1,2);
		m_Shooter = new RobotDrive(3,4);
		m_Lift = new RobotDrive(5,6);
		// remember to use jumpers on the sidecar for the Servo PWMs
		horizontalServo = new Servo(9); 		// create horizontal servo on PWM 9
		verticalServo = new Servo(10);			// create vertical servo on PWM 10
		servoDeadband = 0.01;					// move if > this amount 
		framesPerSecond = 15;					// number of camera frames to get per second
		sinStart = 0.0;							// control where to start the sine wave for pan
		memset(&par1,0,sizeof(ParticleAnalysisReport));			// initialize particle analysis report
		memset(&par2,0,sizeof(ParticleAnalysisReport));			// initialize particle analysis report
		/* image data for tracking - override default parameters if needed */
		/* recommend making PINK the first color because GREEN is more 
		 * subsceptible to hue variations due to lighting type so may
		 * result in false positives */
		// PINK
		sprintf (, "PINK");
		td1.hue.minValue = 220;   
		td1.hue.maxValue = 255;  
		td1.saturation.minValue = 75;   
		td1.saturation.maxValue = 255;      
		td1.luminance.minValue = 85;  
		td1.luminance.maxValue = 255;
		// GREEN
		sprintf (, "GREEN");
		td2.hue.minValue = 55;   
		td2.hue.maxValue = 125;  
		td2.saturation.minValue = 58;   
		td2.saturation.maxValue = 255;    
		td2.luminance.minValue = 92;  
		td2.luminance.maxValue = 255;
		/* set up debug output: 
		/* start the CameraTask	 */
		if (StartCameraTask(framesPerSecond, 0, k320x240, ROT_0) == -1) {
			DPRINTF( LOG_ERROR,"Failed to spawn camera task; exiting. Error code %s", 
					GetVisionErrorText(GetLastVisionError()) );
		/* allow writing to vxWorks target */

		/* stop the watchdog if debugging  */
		// Encoders
		encoderMotor1 = new Encoder(3,4);
		encoderMotor2 = new Encoder(5,6);
		// Accelerometer
		accl = new Accelerometer(7,8);
		// Flipper Door
		flipperdoor = new Relay(1);
		flipperdoorleft = new DigitalInput(1);
		flipperdoorright = new DigitalInput(2);
		// Acquire the Driver Station object
		m_ds = DriverStation::GetInstance();
		m_priorPacketNumber = 0;
		m_dsPacketsReceivedInCurrentSecond = 0;

		// Define joysticks being used at USB port #1 and USB port #2 on the Drivers Station
		m_rightStick = new Joystick(1);
		m_leftStick = new Joystick(2);

		// Iterate over all the buttons on each joystick, setting state to false for each
		UINT8 buttonNum = 1;						// start counting buttons at button 1
		for (buttonNum = 1; buttonNum <= NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS; buttonNum++) {
			m_rightStickButtonState[buttonNum] = false;
			m_leftStickButtonState[buttonNum] = false;

		// Set drive mode to uninitialized

		// Initialize counters to record the number of loops completed in autonomous and teleop modes
		m_autoPeriodicLoops = 0;
		m_disabledPeriodicLoops = 0;
		m_telePeriodicLoops = 0;

		printf("BuiltinDefaultCode Constructor Completed
	/********************************** Init Routines *************************************/
	void RobotInit(void) {
		printf("RobotInit() completed.
	void DisabledInit(void) {
		m_disabledPeriodicLoops = 0;			// Reset the loop counter for disabled mode
		// Move the cursor down a few, since we'll move it back up in periodic.

	void AutonomousInit(void) {
		m_autoPeriodicLoops = 0;				// Reset the loop counter for autonomous mode

	void TeleopInit(void) {
		m_telePeriodicLoops = 0;				// Reset the loop counter for teleop mode
		m_dsPacketsReceivedInCurrentSecond = 0;	// Reset the number of dsPackets in current second
		m_driveMode = UNINITIALIZED_DRIVE;		// Set drive mode to uninitialized

	void EncoderInit(void) {
	/********************************** Servo Routines ****************************************/
	 * Set servo positions (0.0 to 1.0) translated from normalized values (-1.0 to 1.0). 
	 * @param normalizedHorizontal Pan Position from -1.0 to 1.0.
	 * @param normalizedVertical Tilt Position from -1.0 to 1.0.
	void setServoPositions(float normalizedHorizontal, float normalizedVertical)	{

		float servoH = NormalizeToRange(normalizedHorizontal);
		float servoV = NormalizeToRange(normalizedVertical);
		float currentH = horizontalServo->Get();		
		float currentV = verticalServo->Get();
		/* make sure the movement isn't too small */
		if ( fabs(servoH - currentH) > servoDeadband ) {
			horizontalServo->Set( servoH );
			/* save new normalized horizontal position */
			horizontalPosition = RangeToNormalized(servoH, 1);
		if ( fabs(servoV - currentV) > servoDeadband ) {
			verticalServo->Set( servoV );
			verticalPosition = RangeToNormalized(servoV, 1);
		 * Adjust servo positions (0.0 to 1.0) translated from normalized values (-1.0 to 1.0). 
		 * @param normalizedHorizontal Pan adjustment from -1.0 to 1.0.
		 * @param normalizedVertical Tilt adjustment from -1.0 to 1.0.
		void adjustServoPositions(float normDeltaHorizontal, float normDeltaVertical)	{
			/* adjust for the fact that servo overshoots based on image input */
			normDeltaHorizontal /= 8.0;
			normDeltaVertical /= 4.0;
			/* compute horizontal goal */
			float currentH = horizontalServo->Get();
			float normCurrentH = RangeToNormalized(currentH, 1);
			float normDestH = normCurrentH + normDeltaHorizontal;	
			/* narrow range keep servo from going too far */
			if (normDestH > 1.0) normDestH = 1.0;
			if (normDestH < -1.0) normDestH = -1.0;			
			/* convert input to servo range */
			float servoH = NormalizeToRange(normDestH);

			/* compute vertical goal */
			float currentV = verticalServo->Get();
			float normCurrentV = RangeToNormalized(currentV, 1);
			float normDestV = normCurrentV + normDeltaVertical;	
			if (normDestV > 1.0) normDestV = 1.0;
			if (normDestV < -1.0) normDestV = -1.0;
			/* convert input to servo range */
			float servoV = NormalizeToRange(normDestV, 0.2, 0.8);

			/* make sure the movement isn't too small */
			if ( fabs(currentH-servoH) > servoDeadband ) {
				horizontalServo->Set( servoH );		
				/* save new normalized horizontal position */
				horizontalPosition = RangeToNormalized(servoH, 1);
			if ( fabs(currentV-servoV) > servoDeadband ) {
				verticalServo->Set( servoV );
				verticalPosition = RangeToNormalized(servoV, 1);

	/********************************** Periodic Routines *************************************/
	void DisabledPeriodic(void)  {
		static INT32 printSec = (INT32)GetClock() + 1;
		static const INT32 startSec = (INT32)GetClock();

		// feed the user watchdog at every period when disabled

		// increment the number of disabled periodic loops completed
		// while disabled, printout the duration of current disabled mode in seconds
		if (GetClock() > printSec) {
			// Move the cursor back to the previous line and clear it.
			printf("Disabled seconds: %d
", printSec - startSec);			

	void AutonomousPeriodic(void) {
		DPRINTF(LOG_DEBUG, "SERVO - looking for COLOR %s ABOVE %s",,;
		// initialize position and destination variables
		// position settings range from -1 to 1
		// setServoPositions is a wrapper that handles the conversion to range for servo 
		horizontalDestination = 0.0;		// final destination range -1.0 to +1.0
		verticalDestination = 0.0;
		// initialize pan variables
		// incremental tasking toward dest (-1.0 to 1.0)
		float incrementH, incrementV;
		// pan needs a 1-up number for each call
		int panIncrement = 0;							
		// current position range -1.0 to +1.0
		horizontalPosition = RangeToNormalized(horizontalServo->Get(),1);	
		verticalPosition = RangeToNormalized(verticalServo->Get(),1);			
		// set servos to start at center position
		setServoPositions(horizontalDestination, verticalDestination);

		// for controlling loop execution time 
		float loopTime = 0.1;		
		//float loopTime = 0.05;											
		double currentTime = GetTime();
		double lastTime = currentTime;
		// search variables 
		bool foundColor = 0; 
		double savedImageTimestamp = 0.0;
		bool staleImage = false; 
		while( IsAutonomous() )	
			//GetWatchdog().Feed();		// turn watchdog off while debugging	

			// calculate gimbal position based on colors found 
			if ( FindTwoColors(td1, td2, ABOVE, &par1, &par2) ){
				foundColor = true;
				// reset pan		
				panIncrement = 0;  		
				if (par1.imageTimestamp == savedImageTimestamp) {
					// This image has been processed already, 
					// so don't do anything for this loop 
					staleImage = true;
				} else {
					// The target was recognized
					// save the timestamp
					staleImage = false;
					savedImageTimestamp = par1.imageTimestamp;	
					DPRINTF(LOG_DEBUG,"image timetamp: %lf", savedImageTimestamp);

					// Here is where your game-specific code goes
					// when you recognize the target p
					// get center of target 
					// Average the color two particles to get center x & y of combined target
					horizontalDestination = (par1.center_mass_x_normalized + par2.center_mass_x_normalized) / 2;	
					verticalDestination = (par1.center_mass_y_normalized + par2.center_mass_y_normalized) / 2;							
			} else {  // need to pan 
				foundColor = false;
			if(foundColor && !staleImage) {	
				/* Move the servo a bit each loop toward the destination.
				 * Alternative ways to task servos are to move immediately vs.
				 * incrementally toward the final destination. Incremental method
				 * reduces the need for calibration of the servo movement while
				 * moving toward the target.
				incrementH = horizontalDestination - horizontalPosition;
				// you may need to reverse this based on your vertical servo installation
				//incrementV = verticalPosition - verticalDestination;
				incrementV = verticalDestination - verticalPosition;
				adjustServoPositions( incrementH, incrementV );  
				ShowActivity ("** %s & %s found: Servo: x: %f  y: %f ** ",,, horizontalDestination, verticalDestination);	
			} else { //if (!staleImage) {  // new image, but didn't find two colors
				// adjust sine wave for panning based on last movement direction
				if(horizontalDestination > 0.0)	{ sinStart = PI/2.0; }
				else { sinStart = -PI/2.0; }

				/* pan to find color after a short wait to settle servos
				 * panning must start directly after panInit or timing will be off */				
				if (panIncrement == 3) {
					panInit(8.0);		// number of seconds for a pan
				else if (panIncrement > 3) {					
					panForTarget(horizontalServo, sinStart);	
					/* Vertical action: In case the vertical servo is pointed off center,
					 * center the vertical after several loops searching */
					if (panIncrement == 20) { verticalServo->Set( 0.5 );	}

				ShowActivity ("** %s and %s not found                                    ",,;
			}  // end if found color

			// sleep to keep loop at constant rate
			// this helps keep pan consistant
			// elapsed time can vary significantly due to debug printout
			currentTime = GetTime();			
			lastTime = currentTime;					
			if ( loopTime > ElapsedTime(lastTime) ) {
				Wait( loopTime - ElapsedTime(lastTime) );	// seconds
		}  // end while
		DPRINTF(LOG_DEBUG, "end Autonomous");
		ShowActivity ("Autonomous end                                            ");
		/* the below code (if uncommented) would drive the robot forward at half speed
		 * for two seconds.  This code is provided as an example of how to drive the 
		 * robot in autonomous mode, but is not enabled in the default code in order
		 * to prevent an unsuspecting team from having their robot drive autonomously!
		/* below code commented out for safety
		if (m_autoPeriodicLoops == 1) {
			// When on the first periodic loop in autonomous mode, start driving forwards at half speed
			m_robotDrive->Drive(0.5, 0.0);			// drive forwards at half speed
		if (m_autoPeriodicLoops == (2 * GetLoopsPerSec())) {
			// After 2 seconds, stop the robot 
			m_robotDrive->Drive(0.0, 0.0);			// stop robot
	} // end autonomous

	void TeleopPeriodic(void) {
		// feed the user watchdog at every period when in autonomous
		// increment the number of teleop periodic loops completed

		// Encoder printf
		int count1 = encoderMotor1->Get();
		int count2 = encoderMotor2->Get();
		printf("Encoder Motor 1: %g
", count1);
		printf("Encoder Motor 2: %g
", count2);
		double distance1 = encoderMotor1->GetDistance();
		double distance2 = encoderMotor1->GetDistance();
		printf("EM1 Distance: %g
", distance1);
		printf("EM2 Distance: %g
", distance2);

		// Accelerometer printf
", accl->GetAcceleration());
		 * No longer needed since periodic loops are now synchronized with incoming packets.
		if (m_ds->GetPacketNumber() != m_priorPacketNumber) {
			 * Code placed in here will be called only when a new packet of information
			 * has been received by the Driver Station.  Any code which needs new information
			 * from the DS should go in here
			m_dsPacketsReceivedInCurrentSecond++;					// increment DS packets received
			// put Driver Station-dependent code here

			// determine if tank or arcade mode, based upon position of "Z" wheel on kit joystick
				m_robotDrive->ArcadeDrive(m_rightStick);			// drive with arcade style (use right stick)
				m_Shooter->ArcadeDrive(m_leftStick);				// Shooter with arcade style
				if (m_driveMode != ARCADE_DRIVE) {
					// if newly entered arcade drive, print out a message
					printf("Arcade Drive
					m_driveMode = ARCADE_DRIVE;
			// If you press Button 4 the relay goes forward
			if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(5) == 1 && flipperdoorright->Get() > 0 ) {
			} else if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(4) == 1 && flipperdoorleft->Get() > 0 ){
			// If you press button 5 the relay goes backwards
			//if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(5) == 1) {
			//	flipperdoor->Set(Relay::kReverse);
			//} else {
			//	flipperdoor->Set(Relay::kOff);
			// If you press button 3 the joystick controls the lift instead of the shooter
			if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(3) == 1) {
			} else {
		}  // if (m_ds->GetPacketNumber()...

	} // TeleopPeriodic(void)

/********************************** Continuous Routines *************************************/

	 * These routines are not used in this demonstration robot
	void DisabledContinuous(void) {

	void AutonomousContinuous(void)	{

	void TeleopContinuous(void) {


As always any help is much appreciated, especially at crunch time!

What is the specific issue you are having ?

That your system:watchdog is triggered on the driver station ?