T-Rex autonomus scoring

Our first autonomous success!!!

FLR, here we come!!!

very precise. Is it dead reckoning, or encoders and gyros. Certainly not vision at that angle.

Dead Reckoning on that shot. We have a hybrid mode with the kinect that I will try to post later.

Looks good! Just one question, how consistent is it? Do you have a way to avoid hitting the fender, or are you just careful lining up?

I can’t wait to see this in action at Finger Lakes!
Good luck!


Just very careful lining up right now. Will try to fine tune tomorrow before bagging it.

Best of luck! I really can’t wait to check it out at FLR! :smiley:

I was hoping to see a side of the fender scoring dump-bot. Once in position, the fender and wall should protect you nicely from defenders.

That’s what we thought too! We can score from the front as well as the other side if we “back” in.

Definitely nice work. Wish the best of luck at the Finger Lakes regional.