Mentors are amazed that the students have mastered hovering technology for this year’s game.
IT FLOATS!!!:ahh: :ahh: :ahh: :ahh:
Mentors are amazed that the students have mastered hovering technology for this year’s game.
IT FLOATS!!!:ahh: :ahh: :ahh: :ahh:
Nice try, but the photoshopping is quite obvious.
how are you so sure bout that?
It’s the details that give it away. Shadows. Too large of a paintbrush. Light source. Visibility through the holes of the frame (you missed a few!).
Keep trying though.
Thats a really funny idea lol
Maybe Ill try that, and see how the photoshop comes out!
This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
Oh boy! Looks like end game should be easy with a floating robot
Wow, I bet that would make getting the bonus points during the finale easy. :yikes:
Btw, just add a bit of a shadow underneath the bot and use a smaller paintbrush, and it’ll look much more realistic. But not bad at all for a beginner!
I can just see him/her commenting something along the lines of “I’ve been doing photoshop for years! I’m not a beginner!”
[not related] We really need a laugh emoticon.[/not related]
you could put the camera on a tripod, take a picture of the bot, remove the bot, take the same picture again, and use the eraser
That would be really bad, both for me and the OP.
Isn’t a laugh emoticon?
nice try mike =P
I tend to think of that as more of a “big smile,” in fact, when you mouse over the emoticon, it calls it “Brig Grin.”
I like it when people say OP. It reminds me of my favorite place on the internet:D