I’ve seen people starting threads like this for other regional championships, so I figured may as well do one for Michigan.
Pretty self explanatory, this is a place where people can post in order to coordinate shirt trades to happen during MSC. So feel free to post your requests/wish lists/etc.
As for myself, I can get you a 910 shirt in almost any size, but I’ll need an XXL for myself. I’m open to any teams, but I’m particularly looking for a 33 or 217 shirt. I’ll only be there Thursday/Friday, so we would have to meet up then or I can leave it with another member of my team. Shoot me a message if you’re interested.
I am willing to trade any of my 3175 shirts (AM) that dates from 2011-2013. I can wear a Large also, but I only have mediums. There is gray from 2011-2012 and red in 2013. I can post pictures if needed.
Some teams I would love to trade shirts shirts with would be 33, 67, 70/494, 280, 573, 815, 862, 1023, 1189, 1718, 2137, 2337, 2851, 3539, 3641, and 3667. I would be open to trading with other teams, just those ones are teams I’d like to trade with the most
This is likely a long shot, but I have an XL 469 sweatshirt from this year and one from last year that I would consider trading. I’m really looking for an XL blue 217 sweatshirt. I have a green one already.
I also have 3 XL and 1 XXL 469 T-shirts from this year available to trade. I have to split these between MSC and champs, so I’ll be a little picky on what I’m willing to trade for but I’m willing to hear any offers.
I’m from team 2337 and I’m looking for medium shirts from 67, 217, and 68 (the non tie dye kind) in that order.
I can get a black or a red tshirt, but if you want our mechanical shirts I’d need a little extra (those cost more). please try to let me know by wednesday, or I won’t have the shirt to trade with me.
So I’m randomly going to be at MSC this Saturday till about noon thanks to a coincidental business trip. If I was thinking when I packed, I’d have brought a 57 jersey, but I’ll only have a L of 57’s shirt from last year instead.
Not that I expect any of you guys to actually be interested, but I just thought I’d mention.
I’ll have a couple large 1023 shirts I’d be interested in trading. Just find me there or PM me. I’m the driver btw so it shouldn’t be too hard to find me.
I’m on team 1506, Metal Muscle. This is my teams first year going to states and my first year trading shirts. I am looking specifically for shirts from teams 1718, 217, and 2771 (preferably neon green), however I will trade with any other team. I have to order new style shirts, so I would need to know in advance if anyone is interested in one of those. I have a few older Metal Muscle shirts and Kettering shirts that I’m planning on bringing with me up there to trade as well. I will only be there on Friday and Saturday, but if needed I can make arrangements to give shirts to other members on my team ahead of time.
I might be able to get some 2771 shirts. If anyone is interested, please let me know soon by PM or here. (I’ll try to keep an eye on this thread.) I wear a Large and am interested in almost any team, but of course have a list of preferred teams: 27, 33,* 51, 67,* 74, 107, 308, 469, 1918,* 2054, 2474. I am our team’s drive coach, so I should be pretty easy to find.
*I would especially like these
The colored (non-red) shirts were a special order shirt for each of the team members, so we do not have any extras of those. As stated above, I can might be able to get a red one and am willing to trade with you. What size do you need? I do not know for sure what I can get though, so no guarantees.
I will end up being at the competition, planning on coming near the end of qualifications and for a good part of eliminations. I can bring with an extra 3414 medium shirt for another medium shirt. Prefer a 3641, 3604, 862 or 51 shirt, others are welcome. Please PM me if interested. If interested in other sizes give me a heads up and PM me and Ill see what I can do if you have a Medium for me.
Also if interested have a few old 818 medium shirts if interested, willing to trade for any medium shirts.