
Hey Guys!
I recently got tableau and was playing around for it so that I can figure it out and potentially use it for our team strategy, pick list etc.

I wanted to know how you guys on the plan on using tableau in this game. Since its such a different game, how do you plan on measuring how useful a robot is? How are you planning on getting around the time-scoring etc.


Well, for our team, we are looking for many (and I mean many) things during each match. We will most likely split the points up into parts of the match (autonomous, tele-op, extra). We will then average and calculate percentages for different categories (ex: average - scale, percentage - climb). Then, we’ll weigh the different categories depending on importance in the game and result in a score for each team.

For Tableau, we will create different graphs to show the progression of each team and combine the graphs with a visualization/viz and parameters. We’ll then average the scores of each team to get an alliance score. For pick lists, we rank those scores from highest to lowest. During alliance selections, we click on the team and exclude that team so that the list is updated for selections.

For time-scoring, we would implement the time into the individual alliance strategy based on previous times and scores of other teams.

There’s still some other stuff in progress or stuff yet to be decided on, so yeah.

Sorry for the long post, and I hoped it helped!