talked to mcintyre about invitationals....

Posted by Erin.

Student on team #1, The Juggernauts, from otc-ne, oxford high school and 3 dimensional services, rochester hills, mi.

Posted on 12/2/99 8:20 AM MST

me and some of the fellow team members were discussing how we could get another invitational going… but then we thought, hmmm… how could we get the funding for the parts?? mcintyre said it would take alot of work to get this started so i am going to ask, out of pure interest (not a serious question) if the juggernauts were willing to get an invitational going, are any oakland county teams willing to help??? respond if this is of interest.

Posted by Michael Martus.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Coach on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central H.S. and Delphi Automotives Systems.

Posted on 12/2/99 8:46 PM MST

In Reply to: talked to mcintyre about invitationals… posted by Erin on 12/2/99 8:20 AM MST:

Chief Delphi would be more than willing to attend. As for helping … our team has Three main prongs of attack.

  1. CADET Program…working with youth in our city
  2. Chief Delphi Invitational… you know about that.
  3. FIRST Competition

After these we are exhausted… especially after you stole McIntyre from us.

Any then they have nerve enough to expect us to teach every day.

Sorry Erin I am running at 150%.