Talon SRX always goes to Max Velocity when using Pheonix Tuner

Good evening. This afternoon we had some interesting experiences. We were having a problem with a motor connected to a Talon SRX using CAN. We eventually tracked down a problem with a bad CAN wire on one of the other devices. After fixing that issue, I attempted to move the motor with Phoenix Tuner. Anytime I’d enabled control and give it anything other than 0, the motor would always go to 100%. I’ve never seen this behavior before. Any ideas about what might be going on? It had been a long day, so I didn’t dig into it at the time. I see now that I still have Pheonix Tuner running on my laptop so I was able to snap a couple of pics of what I was commanding and what was being plotted.

I would recommend factory resetting the device and making sure the firmware is the latest.

Percent output mode shouldn’t really ever do anything more than set the motor, so I’d say it’s important to make sure there isn’t some weird remnant config.

Check if you are doing something like TalonSRX.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, 1.0); in your teleop periodic.

You can always just deploy an empty template project on the robot and verify it doesn’t happen due to your robot code.

I tracked the issue down to a programmer changing the setting setNominalOutput to 1.0 from 0.0 for some reason. Not sure why they did this. I’m also not 100% sure what this method is for but it looks like it makes it only want to output 1.0 or 0.

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