I’m getting a CAN Frame Not Recieved/Too stale error while using the new 2024 version of the CTRE v6 API. The falcons and CANCoders are all flashed with the beta-5 version of the firmware, but the vendor module on the RIO side is stuck at beta-4. Does anyone know if these are compatible? I can’t downgrade firmware currently and just want to check this possible issue off of the list.
There is no beta-5 firmware, as we haven’t released a beta-5 API. The beta-4 API requires 2024.0.5.0 firmware: changelog.
If you’re running the correct firmware version, how often are you seeing the error?
That’s my bad. I think I mistaked the 2024.0.5.0 firmware to correspond to the beta-4 API.
The robot code tries to start, the CAN errors are printed for every device (complaining about the Apply function). Then the code reboots and the whole process starts again. I’ll post a link to repo/ branch this is occurring on.
The repo/branch is here. The executable’s main file is here. Constants are here and motorcontroller wrappers are here and here. Additionally, the RIO is up-to-date with the 2024 beta image and so is the driver station.
This is because you are performing a config apply with a timeout of 0, so we always fail to get the response to the config apply. It’s still possible that the apply is succeeding, but we have no way to validate it. We typically recommend a config timeout of at least 0.050 seconds (which is the default value if none is specified) to give us enough time to validate the operation.
We will be improving this error message in the next beta release.
If the code is rebooting on its own, that sounds like you’re running into an exception or a segfault. You may be able to use simulation with a debugger to find the source of the problem.
Ok. That explains the error very well and makes sense! I’llLimelight, an integrated vision coprocessor reintegrate the delay
Thanks! I originally ruled this out because I thought I’d see an ominous SIGSEV error in the log. I forgot segfault errors don’t show up in the error log.
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