3397 is looking into building a tape measure climber for this years game (similar to 1986’s 2016 climber). Yes I’ve used the search function, I’ve google searched, checked a few team’s websites and watched a bunch of YouTube videos but I’m having issues finding any threads/sources detailed enough to base a design off of. Is anyone comfortable providing a CAD model, directions or something that provides a bit more detailed than a video/photo?
I think just hook a winch and tape measure to a motor. I would also imagine it would help to angle it so the tape measure doesn’t break when it’s extended.
My simple advice is to pick another way to climb. Tape measure climbers were extremely difficult to make work and were often unreliable.
However, if you like the idea,
Send an email to 1986 and ask them for design help. Then iterate, iterate, iterate.
you could always put a wheel on a drill and see if that can walk out the tape measure, you know it can be done, it wouldn’t be hard to make a small prototype to see if you can figure out how it works.
We played with one for 2016, but gave up on it. I swear if someone sneezes in it’s general direction it’ll fold like a napkin.
They usually involve a couple of flywheels to spool the tape towards the climbing bar. Ours had a hook riveted at the end and a length of paracord running to a winch. The idea was that the tape was sacrificial and just served to get the grappling hook up onto the bar and the winch would take over.
I’ve never actually seen one work. I saw one almost work at a District before buckling at the last second, falling backward, and touching the ground to cost the team a challenge.
They’ve worked in the past, not always easily, but they work.
Try using a FatMax tape measure.
We used tape measures for can burglars in 2015. It’s not quite the same application, but we did document a lot of the development here. If you move them really fast, they don’t crumple, but that might change if you put a heavy hook on the end or need the climber to hold stiff while you align the end to the rung.