Target Labview doesn't connect with roboRIO

We tried to deploy the programming, but the target is not communicating with the robot/roboRIO. On DriveStation it shows that has communication, but we can’t deploy the code.

Not sure why you blanked out your team number. But do you have the correct IP address set for the the project? Many times the multicast DNS doesn’t work right.

Yes man, the IP address is correct, this was the first thing we’ve changed .

What do you see on the second tab of the DriverStation (a screenshot of it would be great)? Have you shut off firewalls and such?

In addition, what’s your setup? Through the robot radio, or are you direct attached to the roboRio via lan cable, or something else?

I see 2 Conflict Resolution dialogs in your screenshot and I’ve never seen 2 on the same screen at the same time. You may need to tell us more about that so we are able to help.

The Conflict Resolution dialog on the left indicates that there is an application (that means code) already running on the roboRIO. If LabVIEW knows that, it has already connected to the roboRIO. From that point, all you need to do is press Apply.

I see you’re new to ChiefDelphi. Welcome!

I just realized you’re the same team as the other recent LabVIEW thread. The team number is in your ChiefDelphi profiles. Please don’t mind my connecting the two. It is possible the two problems are related.

Exactly how are you deploying code? The normal way to deploy code while actively programming is to press the run image button on Robot There are a couple ways to do this improperly. The right way is to Open the XXXXXXX.lvproj file, then open Robot from the project window, then press the Run button from either the front panel or block diagram of Robot


  1. Open Robot before the project file.
  2. Press the run button on any VI other than Robot
  3. Use any Run Continuously image button.

There is a completely different way to deploy code so it will stay when you turn off and on your robot. You MUST use it when going to a real competition.

In your screenshot, it shows “”. I think that would normally be “Robot”. How did you create this code originally? The normal way is to create a new FRC roboRIO Project using the button indicated below. Use the Arcade Drive template and please let us know of any modifications you make.

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