[TBA]: Live Match Updates

I just implemented a script that should automatically rip match results from FIRST’s site to dump into The Blue Alliance System. The script will run every 10 minutes, which means at most TBA will lag two matches behind reality (assuming the delay from FIRST is zero).

This reduces the need to manually update TBA match data, but currently creates one problem based on how FIRST publishes its match data. It includes a “time” instead of a “match number”, so if matches are replayed (has this happened at all for Overdrive?) they get bumped to the “end” despite having the old match number. Then when you go to match videos up, everything gets screwed up. See how FIRST provides data here: http://www2.usfirst.org/2008comp/events/NH/matchresults.html

I have spoken with an engineer from FIRST, and he says that FIRST will be changing this reporting.

Anyway, check out the near-live scores of events tomorrow! And report any bugs. There might be bugs.

[EDIT] Fixed a bug. The script was taking too long because FIRST’s servers are too slow to respond for all the events in time. It now only checks this week’s events. [/EDIT]

Very nice work!

It seems to be handling Eliminations just right too. :slight_smile:

I’m converting video of quals from SOAP as we speak!
