[TBA] The Blue Alliance

Have you ever wondered how a swerve drive works? How to efficiently wire your electrical system? How to construct a robust pnuematic system? Or how to use a running filter to de-noise the input of the CMUCam for your PID closed-loop control system to aim a three axes of freedom turreted shooter during autonomous mode?

Don’t worry.

Interesting… The Coming soon page looks very professional.

Is this going to be a white paper site?

Maybe a FIRST Howstuffworks?

I am intrigued.

That logo looks awesome. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, I’ll admit it. I created the logo for Greg.

Once you get the hang of vector graphics, they become quite fun. If you liked this logo, just wait until I’m finished with the 2007 version of Team 228’s website. :smiley:

. . . yes, yes I have.

Wow, The homepage looks really nice. I cant wait to see whats going to be on the site.

w00t :slight_smile:

w00t is right, sam.

what a great christmas present for all of us!

Like I’ve said elsewhere, Red Alliance > Blue Alliance :wink:

haha its like facebook dejavu.

and im excited to see how the site looks when its done.

I like the Banana Watermark :rolleyes:

Yes I have, even though I could be writing parts of it…

The Homepage looks awsome! I can’t wait to see the rest.

Reminds me of the Chilli’s logo more :stuck_out_tongue: .

Hooray for TBA.

Less than three weeks and counting. First teaser posted.


Anyone see what it was that was laying on the table? I couldnt see it well enough to identify it.

oh god. the easy button is overrated. but maybe that is only because i am a staples employee.

they’re $4.98 btw. and they come with gift boxes for christmas. wicked pretty.

Just a simple electrical circuit?

probably to show how to wire it neatly and such?

Oh, :frowning: I was hopeing it was something cooler.

Greg and Tom aren’t very cool. I wouldn’t get my hopes up for cool things…
:stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Looks like you guys have a great series coming along.