Team 1114 - Simbot Snowstorm

Team 1114 - Simbotics, proudly presents our 2019 robot, Simbot Snowstorm!

Team 1114 is sponsored by General Motors of Canada, Innovation First International, The District School Board of Niagara, Ontario Power Generation, Hema, Solidworks, Vykan, and many other generous sponsors.

Simbot Snowstorm will be competing at the Humber and Windsor Essex Great Lakes District Events, The Ontario Provincial Championship (if we qualify), and the FIRST Championship in Detroit.

More detailed photos can be found on our Instagram and below!



Looks great as always!

I’ve already mislabeled it as “sandstorm” in my head and it’s only been 4 seconds. This’ll be a long season.

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Love the use of wood 10/10 :ok_hand:


One of my favorite part of 1114 robots is how even though they aren’t powdercoated they still look really really nice and everything flows together nicely.

Is there a life feed from ONT District Humber College Event 2019 to see 1114 play?

Yeah. Humber will have a stream on TBA or at


Looks awesome, hopefully will catch the stream to see it in action, good luck this season Simbots!

Really like those corner joints— what do those look like inside? Is it a single machined block in there or something more complex?

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