Team 1124 (The ÜberBots) | Robot Teaser

Hello everyone!

It’s that time of year again, and we’re excited to showcase our new 2016 robot.

Here’s a short video that we created:

Featuring Rhino treads, a wheel-powered shooter, and an extended intake that doubles as a pneumatic climber.

A full reveal shall follow, as soon as we have time :slight_smile:


Very nice video, very nice robot. Looking forward to seeing it this weekend.

Excellent song choice.

The shooter looks fantastic! Any videos of a climb?

Excited to play with you guys soon!


Nice looking robot guys! Keep making your alumns proud :slight_smile:

I’ll be coming up for NEDCMP this year, so hopefully I’ll see it in action then!

I notice your team has decided to use the 3CIM4U with your rhino. Did you have to get a longer output shaft for it to reach the end of the bearing?

Looking good. See you guys in Hartford and hopefully NECMP

I spy hockey sticks :slight_smile:


I love the curved tubing for the shooter.

Gotta love that carbon fiber :slight_smile:

Seconded. Did you bend the tubing in-house or did you outsource that to a metal-working facility? (Or buy it that way?)

We bought straight conduit and used a pipe roller to bend it into different shapes. Very finicky, but we made it work :slight_smile:

Nice job guys, looking nice as usual!
looking forward to seeing you over at Waterbury and Dartmouth!

Beautiful machine from 1124!
I hope to see you guys sometime this season, it was nice having you come out to the Tech Valley Robot Rumble in the fall.

Very nice! Looks like some pretty large cylinders! We are considering adding similar to our robot and was curious as to size of cylinders and number of air tanks you used. We do NOT have an onboard compressor.

1.5 OD pistons from Bimba-we have 4 air tanks, but we will probably have to add a compressor

Unfortunately me and the other guy doing CAD messed up a bit, and the pistons we have are a few inches too short. We’ve ordered new cylinders, and are hoping they’ll be in for Waterbury. We’ll definitely be climbing at Dartmouth though.

Looking forward to seeing your robot this weekend, do you plan on releasing anything before then?