Team 122

I want to thank team #122 for making us first pick at VCU. Also, did you guys get your bot fixed up? BEst of luck at all your regionals and hope to see you at Epcot

No problem man. Yep, our bots all fixed up, but there are a few things that we’ll be swapping around in Philly. Changing out our front and rear wheels and motor mounts. Check out some of the other threads like MOE Bot - our two teams have been talking fairly extensively since the competition.

~Tom Fairchild~

And not just about all the problems…:smiley: Such as where do i get one of those way cool shirts? I’ve had one offer, looking for another…:smiley:

*Originally posted by Tom Fairchild *
**No problem man. Yep, our bots all fixed up, but there are a few things that we’ll be swapping around in Philly. Changing out our front and rear wheels and motor mounts. Check out some of the other threads like MOE Bot - our two teams have been talking fairly extensively since the competition.

~Tom Fairchild~ **

I know…Two teams meeting at Regionals and becoming best of friends. That goes to show you that these are great not only to test out your 'bot before nationals, but to make new friends from across the US.

:slight_smile: I would like to congratulate everyone at Drexel for a job well done. Team 122: you guys were awsomme sorry to hear that ur gripper broke. i had a lot of fun hanging around with u guys. Id like to what ur next prank youll pull up on me! Cya later - Peace out
Aman Sethi
Team 365

Changing out our front and rear wheels and motor mounts.

hey 122, please tell me that when you replaced those wheels before Philly that you replaced them with the same kind. Those 8 inch rims were pretty cool.

*Originally posted by HotWheels2002 *

hey 122, please tell me that when you replaced those wheels before Philly that you replaced them with the same kind. Those 8 inch rims were pretty cool. **

Ended up not changing anything on them, actually. The original plan was to switch the front and back wheels, but ended up not bothering with it and am very glad that we didn’t. Wish you could’ve been in Philly with us. 643 and we had a great time together - wish you could’ve been with us!

~Tom Fairchild~

team 122

        i want to congratulte you on a great job at Drexel. 

your a gret driver and i hope we can be paired with the nasa knights at nationals

good luck

Yeah, I definitely want to play with/against MOE. We were excited that we had a practice round with you in Philly, but your robot wasn’t there :frowning: Oh well, you’re operaters were cool … they went on the field and made slam dunks :smiley:


Sorry bout the robot not showing up at that one practice- we were busy losing weight- our electrical is no longer a rectangle. However, that practice was probably the most fun we could have had- and the robot wasn’t even there. We had a good time teasing Rishad- our human player- about his 20% shooting average.

Does anybody mention Sparky?

lol Sparky? who’s Sparky? J/K You guys were awesome at Richmond, see you at Nats!

lol Sparky? who’s Sparky?


let me go crawly into my hole and ponder what i did wrong pr-ing my team.


Thanks, hope you do well too.

How could I forget my very favorite alliance partners???

*Originally posted by Alex Forest *
**How could I forget my very favorite alliance partners??? **

(Three Weeks Ago, yes it was that long ago)

Alex F.- God, I hate those (edited for decency), they (edited for decnecy), ahaha!

122 Member- Didn’t you say they were your favorite alince partner?

AF- But there (edited for decency) wings didn’t come down! That (edited for decency) lously (edited for decency)!"

We never get enough recognition these days… :wink:

Does anyone from team 122 have the pics that i took of team 122 when u guys got ur awards (congrats for that by the way :slight_smile: ?

PS: Hey Alex u have to get ur shirt signed by woody and dean to be a real moe shirt!


the one slam dunking was me. Are you an operator?

sadly only a back up operator :frowning: But I am the coach on the field, so I’m there for everymatch … being ignored :smiley:


doesnt look like it by your pic. hope to see you at nationals

*Originally posted by aman *
**Does anyone from team 122 have the pics that i took of team 122 when u guys got ur awards (congrats for that by the way :slight_smile: ?

VCU or Philly? I have some from VCU, none from Philly.

~Tom Fairchild~