Team 134's Website

Hey I am in charge of Team 134’s Website and need some feedback. Any comments are greatly appreciated but please keep them appropriate.

  • Jeff

Hey there, looks pretty nice, good job.
The only thing i would change is the size of all of your links/text. Everything seems a little to large.

Thanks I have definitely been considering that and I think I will do so. I am thinking of changing the font to Trebuchet or Verdana

I really like your site: the color scheme is nice and easy enough to read, the layout is intuitive, and it has quite a bit of information. A few suggestions came to mind as I browsed through it:

Play with the margins and paddings on the front page a bit. Especially the sidebars don’t have enough padding around the text.

There needs to be an apostrophe in “This Year’s Game,” for instance. In general, don’t use a colon following a preposition. (E.g. “Updated by Jeff Roche,” not “Updated by: Jeff Roche” - see

A FIRST logo with a transparent background would look better on your front page.

The banner image is kind of pixellated.

“Click Here” can be a kind of unprofessional way to write links. I find it more pleasing when they are worked into the text.

From the front page, it is not obvious what your team is or what its mission is if a viewer has not already heard of FIRST Robotics. I would put some introduction text or a link to it on the front page. More prose in general would be good.

I really like this site!!! The color scheme really reflects New Hampshire!

All the links are nicely laid out, but at some spots, the text is oddly positioned (but for a high schooler’s design, its next to amazing!!)

Definitely one worth bragging about!

Check your Chief Delphi link. In the href attribute you spelt it Cheif Delphi, which is wrong, and goes to a page that I’m pretty sure isn’t very FIRST related…

Otherwise, looks good. Good colors (as far as I can tell), everything is pretty easy to find.

Very nice site!

Just a fore warning, I am not a designer at all. The most that I have designed is a few scenes in an animation, and they were only about 5 seconds each.

I love most of the color scheme. I don’t know if its just me or not, but I am not a huge fan of that background. And one more color would be nice, maybe a lighter shade of green or something like that.

The navigation bar has great content, but could be a little bit more quiet. The whole bar itself just sticks out to me. Maybe that lighter color green would work there…

And to save you hours of code editing (even though you only have to change a few things for each month) I would advise using Google Calendar. The best thing about it is that you can embed it right into your site with a custom color scheme and all of the events will be on there. Only thing is that you have to make it public if you don’t want to have to log into Google every time you want to look at the calendar.

As for the content and everything, amazing job! This is an impressive site! Keep up the good work!! :smiley:

Thanks Everyone!
Cyberphil: I will definitely try the lighter green. Sounds like a good idea. I have also given thought to the google calendar and I may give it a shot. Still on the border about it.

compwiztobe: I cought the chief delphi link error about a week ago but I was in the middle of upgrading my web software. Good news is, I am all updated and ready to go! The Chief Delphi link now directs you to Chief Delphi’s Home Page

beekman: Thank you for the compliments! If you had seen the previous layouts of the site that I did, This one kicks their… forgive my breakaway reference… balls.

ajd: I will definitely play around with the margins and padding. It is a problem I have noticed but haven’t really played with much. The FIRST logo I have been playing with but I am not that great with photoshop and I can’t get the circle to stay white when I make the background transparent. I haven’t had a chance to really check grammar but I will put it at the top of my “to do” list.
I am also working on fixing the banner. It was fine when I made it but there was an error saving it and now it is all pixelated. As for the links; I will work them into sentences for a better flow. Thank you for your input. It will really help me out.

  • Jeff