Team 1503: This is Sparfox, this is Spartonics. [Video]

At long-last, here’s a video one of our first-year students stitched together.

We’re really looking forward to Pittsburgh this week. See you on the field!

FRC Team 1503 2013 Reveal: Sparfox

And incase you missed our robot pinup:

I’ve been waiting for this since Bag Day and It’s even better than I thought. That shot over the pyramid is just awesome. I have no clue if this will work in competition but I’m so glad you made it and I really hope it does. It’s my new favorite UA robot and the only thing I can say is I want one.

I just had one of those, holy crap that’s awesome why didn’t we think of that moments. That is really awesome and innovative! Although I’m sad I didn’t see you guys do a barrel roll.

This might be my favourite robot this year, just because it’s so unconventional, yet wildly effective. I can’t wait to see how it performs in Pittsburgh.

Mind making it accessible for mobile viewers? I won’t have access to a computer for a few days but I would love to see the robot nonetheless, especially since Karthik sees it has his favourite.

Yipyapper we will change the setting first thing in the am…
Thanks Karthik for the <3

Watch the discs flight!

It’s likely not viewable on mobile because of the Jet song copyrights.

To be honest with you guys, I do believe that if you limit your stopping and hesitation to shoot to 1-2 seconds or even shoot on the go, this could be a solid contender at any event.

Good luck in Pittsburgh.

This was well worth getting out of bed to watch. Wish I could see it in person, but I will definitely be watching you guys on the webcasts.

That is an epic launcher with an extremely fast human load. I really like how your robot is able to descore discs from the 3-pt goal. How are you targeting? It looks completely manual from the video.

Looks amazing guys. You guys will make GTRW a little more interesting!

Is the targeting manual? I don’t think I saw a camera. Even still, brilliant shooter.


Just wondering is it just me or is it your bumpers look really low?

Very nice! I can’t wait to see it in person on Thursday! Only 3 more days!

Bumpers have been raised :slight_smile: Thanks!

NO cameras, indeed!

this is definitely going to be a fun robot to watch and probably a much greater cycle time than many other teams… hoping to see it in person at some pt.

I’m actually mad that you got this design to work so well, mostly because I dismissed the idea pretty quickly when kids brought it up.

Hope it works this well in competition!

Looks great! Can’t wait to swing by your pit Thursday.