Team 1538 Proudly Presents: Daisy Thunder

Team 1538 proudly presents, Daisy Thunder, it’s 9th FRC robot submission.

We would like to thank our gracious sponsors for donating their time and materials in order to help us achieve our goal. We could not have done it without you.


  • Drivetrain Speeds: ~16 FPS(High Gear), 6 FPS(Low Gear) using WCProducts’ Dual Speed gearbox
  • Weight: 105 lbs
  • 4WD using AndyMark 4" Performance Wheels
  • 2 wheel linear shooter using custom wheels, belt driven via two Mini-CIM motors
  • 2 x RS550 powered conveyer intake
  • 2 x RS550 powered shooter feeder
  • 2 x CIM powered arm gearbox with an overall reduction of 252:1

And finally, the video of our practice robot running during a systems verification test…

Great functioning robot and beautiful as always. Good luck during the competition season!

Very nice.

Mind if I ask how the shooter feeder works?

Also does it hang?

Kiet/Jon and Crew,

Great Job on the robot, this will be one of the top robots in California this year. Digging the powdercoat and innovative intake/shooter!


Yes, it does hang, just wasn’t featured during the photoshoot and SVT.

It’ll be a part of our 30 lb allowance.

As for the shooter feeder, it’s a drum that has a surface speed of ~150" per second and a roller that assists the feeding process, which is placed on top of the frisbee. This allows us to “rapid fire” frisbees.

Looking great as always. Looking forward to seeing you guys in San Diego in a few weeks.

That’s awesome. My next question, what material is on the drum? We thought of something like this but never found a material sticky enough to pull a disc out of the stack while angled.

Juice. Pure, 100% juice.

More gorgeous robots coming from California…
Love the powder-coat, the wheels, and especially the crisp electronics!
Keep on doing what you’re doing because you make the west coast shine!

Nice arm.

Yet another “why didn’t we think of that?” and “wow, we really got this all wrong” moments. Very elegant.

Woah boy San Diego’s gonna be great! Can’t wait to compete with THUNDER!

Holy Cow! I mean…Holy You! err…

Awesome job guys. Love the smooth arm.

Very beautiful robot, I can’t wait to watch it compete; really wish I could see this in person. Love the custom painted performance wheels :smiley:

Also, any particular reason there are no fans on the Talons-as it seems like you are using all Talons.

Beautiful robot. Almost looks like our twin!

We have fans on the four talons used on the drivetrain because those are under the most continuous load. The 550 motors on the intake and loader draw very little current, even under load, so we felt no need to put fans on those 4 talons. The shooter motors only see brief spikes in current when a disc is being shot, otherwise they draw almost nothing. The arm is powered by 2 CIM motors, but it also does not see enough continuous load to justify putting fans on the talons. After 5 minutes of driving and shooting the talons on the arm barely start to warm up.

So far we’ve been thrilled with the Talons.

Oh no, it doesn’t look like a shopping cart!
I kid, Daisy looks pretty awesome.

The name sounds like a collaboration between 341 and 217 ;). I like it. Looks beautiful, as always. Hopefully will see you at Champs.

My favorite part about this robot is how built it is for the 7 disc autonomous mode. Can’t wait to see it in action, beautiful robot! California definitely has style :slight_smile:


Incredible robot design. I absolutely love this. Props to all of you! Definitely a “why didn’t I think of that” moment. :o