Team 1625 at Midwest Regional

I was there to watch every match this weekend and thought this team was highly underrated. Superb swerve driving and a great lift mechanism (until the last match they played). Looks like if they solve a few technical issues (looks like they lost power after defending Wildstang solidly during qualifications, and a bent fork on their lift foiled their last match) they would make a solid alliance partner that you should be aware of. They dropped to the #5 pick though, and I didn’t hear much talk of them around the pits. Anyone else had any thoughts about these guys, good or bad?


I thought their robot had an amazing crab drive and their drivers were even more amazing in the quarterfinals. It was unfortunate what happened in the quarterfinals, though. Just a stint of tough luck. I didn’t get to see much of their tube handling mechanism and arm but I’m assuming it was good, too.

I’ll second what you said. 1625 was very high on our alliance selection list and was a steal for the #5 seed. They played excellent offense when we were partnered with them and harassed us the entire match when we were against them. Add to that the ability to lift two robots, and that made Winnovation one of the best all around robots at the Midwest Regional.

Wow! All this talk about our robot! I give thanks to our driver, Aren Hill, he did a pretty awsome job keeping the Beast at bay durring the elimination rounds. I also give thanks to our alliance partners, their robots seemed to be built for our fork lift system. Their chasis matched up perfectly and we had no trouble lifting them, except durring our last match when one of our forks got bent.

As being a member of this team, I have say that I agree.m I have to say we had some of the worst luck ever this regional. The technical issues with a lack of power was caused by a dead rc that randomly failed that match. The IFI Rep had no explanation for us though. The bent fork was fixed in about 2 min. so no big deal there. I just keep thinking of the possibilities that could of happened if we were to be picked by the BEAST.

Do Not Eat.

oh yeah! you guys were awsome!!! your claw was alot like ours and you were a powerhouse defender! the forklift was AMAZING!
yeah, our group really loved your bot.

I wish we could make a decent alliance partner but we are not going to nationals for the first time in three years. We will be heading back to IRI though so watch out for us there. Hopefully us and the beast can team back up for a match or two. Good luck to everybody for the rest of the regionals and nationals. And as a senior I would have to say that FIRST has given me my best high school memories and hopefully I can find a team to help with while in college.

out of curiousity does anyone have a dvd or something of the regionals they would be willing to mail to me at my house if i gave my address?

Our three-year veteran driver said that Team 1625’s defense from this year’s robot is the most difficult he has encountered. We are used to hard pushers, but with crab drive we usually can swerve around them with some degree of success. However, 1625 also has a capable crab drive which makes them highly manuverable. We teamed up with them in the qualifications and they put the hurt on 111–so much that 111 went on the defensive. Because of their defense, in the eliminations we had to switch strategies and become a decoy–this allowed our alliance partners to score.

We liked the teams we picked (501 and 1739), but it would have been fun to run with you guys–you were on the short list. Your team and machine deserve to be at Nationals.


Brian Beatty

wow definately feeling honored i was the swerve driver/designer for our robot this year, and to be getting compliments from the likes of beast and wildstang definately makes me feel pretty good. But basically i looked at all the past swerve drives especially 71,111 but the one that started it was seeing the beast at IRI so ultimately thanks to you.

Thanks so much for all the compliments, they mean a lot. I truly wish we were going to nationals, but we just can’t go to another regional this year. If we could, I think that our robot and drivers have improved to level where we would be going to nationals. Oh, well. We have IRI, and there’s always next year. Hmm. . .next year. Better start designing a floating robot for the water game!

out of curiousity does anyone have a dvd or something of the regionals they would be willing to mail to me at my house if i gave my address?