Team 1625's Highlights

Our team threw a quick video together for our IRI application. Since it’s the only video of us in 2013, I figured I would share it!

What ever happened to the 30 point win pump climber?

AHH! Our freshman off-season programming training at work! :wink:

What drivetrain are you guys using?
In this video and some of your webcasts I noticed that when you are driving you almost do powerslides with you turn, as if you are on a low friction surface

Is it a regular tank drive with all four omni wheels?


Most likely Swerve.

Their driving style seems much more like a tank drive though, it doesn’t seem like they can strafe

They have the “butterfly” drive. Changeable traction/omni wheel on each corner. Maybe just two corners, I was busy programming when I was at their shop :stuck_out_tongue:

We use a butterfly drive (we call it a Monarch Drive because we are orange and black) It is a 4 wheel tank drive with all omnis, and each wheel has a custom drop down traction wheel. The front and back can be actuated separately. We collaberated with 3928 and they have this handy page to explain it more…

although there are some differences… for example, we use chain instead of belt.