Team 1657 beta Website

We, Team 1657 - HaMosad from Israel have now opened our (beta version) website.

any comments or suggestions? please send them to our email:

[email protected]


HAHA its amazing lol…

Especially the part where you move the joystick…LOL

amazing in a good or bad way? :slight_smile:

The navigation joystick seems kind of clumsy, as does constraining all of your content to that one rectangle in the middle of the screen. The menu on the left probably doesn’t need to be Flash, besides which it looks exactly like that thing from If you made this image in Photoshop, you should set the anti-aliasing style to Strong so the text doesn’t look that wispy. You seem to have a lot of good content, but the site seems to need something of a redesign.

well, like it pretty well, just make the center bow so it can get bigger i think is the only issue.

The joystick is great, but if it looked a bit neater that would help.

pretty cool design. i like your use of flash in it!

ahhhh man I just hit back and lost what I said.

I don’t like using flash for such major elements like navigation, But if you must, I would move the joystick to be closer to the gear to be more intuitive.

I looked at your photo section. The thumbnails are just using HTML to shrink the full sized images. The thumbnails <i>should</i> really be pointing to files with the images already shrunked, as this uses less bandwidth and looks better. Also, when you click on an image it opens in a new window that isn’t wide enough to display the whole image at 100%, so it has to shrink that too (disclaimer: this might be because I have firefox set to ALWAYS display the status bar, even when the site tells me not to). You might want to make it so there’s a little extra white space on the photo page to cover for this sort of thing.

Otherwise, nice site!

It looks as though you’re breaking FIRST’s logo usage rules. I think you breached the padding around the image at the top with your shadow. This isn’t a huge issue, but it seems as though they want people to use it properly. I guess you can just say you learned by example because of how it’s used on their site :slight_smile: Also, you might want to look into one of the hosting companies offering free hosting for FIRST teams, which I believe are in a sticky in this forum (if not, just search for it… they’re there). Also, the joystick takes a bit of effort to locate and the navigation link in the gear appears to be more of a header than a link. It’s neat, but a tad confusing.

I agree with Roland in the fourth post on the antialiasing stuff. The joystick animation is really cool although it’s kinda hard to understand at first. Maybe make the joystick controls more prominent. Also in the image gallery make sure you resize the thumbnails in Photoshop instead of just dragging the corners or changing the original image to the size you need. It still loads the original unedited image and can get annoying if you have to wait for images you don’t even want to see.
Other than that the site is pretty good. Nice dark colors which is a good thing in some ways. Also I really love what you did with your sitemap instead of it being a simple chart.

Awesome job!