Team 166 2012 Robot

Our robot is 99% done so I thought I would post a couple of pictures:

It is just waiting on software and a minor modification to the bridge manipulator.

More to come later today.

Looks great, what point baskets can it score on?

is that surgical tubing or something else on your elevator/ ball lifter.

It looks like polycord on the ball lifter. Is that correct?

We are using 4 strands of polycord on the ball lifter and 5 entrapption stars at the bottom. Here is a test video:
Since that video was recorded we have added 2 lexan plates at the bottom to center the ball when it gets to the polycord.

When the software is tweaked and tested we should be able to get 3 pointers from the middle of the field or farther.

Yet another photo!:

And a 8 minute long video of low power shooter testing!:

We really wanted to see just how far we can shoot balls, but we were limited due to the 12.5 foot ceiling in our cafetorium.

Wow! It looks very nice! I’m curious about your shooting mechanism though. Is it a turret design utilizing the Lazy Susan? Or is it fixed? (The first picture would make it look misleading) If it is a Lazy Susan, I’m even more curious as to how you feed the balls in. Either way, great looking 'bot! :cool:

This may clear that up a bit, we hold the shooter with wheels in the front, and a axel in the back, we rotate the turret with a lead-screw.

What will be interesting is that our team may be participating in our school pep rally on friday, which may or may not involve trying to shoot balls into one of the hoops in the gym…

So it looks like the balls roll down those two rectangular pieces from the collector to the shooter. Am I right? Looks pretty sweet and good luck in the pep rally! They are a great way to get some exposure in your school and get some kids interested in robotics.

Multiple cameras? (One for the shooter presumably, and then one above the intake?)

Care to elaborate on the functionality, purpose, design implications with TWO cameras???

The camera near the shooter is used to lock the shooter onto a hoop and automatically adjust the motor speed so all that the drive team has to do is press the “fire” button.

The 2nd camera (the one near the intake) is primarily used to aid drivers with ball collection, but it could possibly be used to automatically lock onto a ball and pick it up (we have a ball recognizing algorithm written but it isnt in any current code on the robot).

Hello! The turret is rotated by a lead screw driven by the AndyMark motor beneath the shooter. And on the shooter assembly there is a slider with the plastic lead screw connector thing (technical name of course) mounted on a pivot, which compensates for the arc when the shooter rotates. We had thought about using a Lazy Susan, but this design seemed to fit better and weigh less.

Its kind of hard to see from the pictures, but the shooter pivots on a rod that is blocked in every picture by the vertical support beam on the shooter, or the balls.

EDIT: To elaborate on the pep rally, we are participating in it and will try to score in a basket. Which will be great exposure to allot of people in or school, teachers and students alike. In other years we have talked about the team before, but its never been during build season before so we never had the robot to show off.

The robot is finished!!! Final Weight 119Lb
More Pictures!:

And 3 videos of us testing a little of everything:

Later I will have video from us at the school pep rally and from 151’s reveal event tonight.

Pep rally video:

I was just wondering if you are concerned about the bridge manipulator blocking/separating your team number?

Hrrm… We haven’t really thought about that before, however because that part will only be in its lowered position for a short amount of time, I don’t think we need to be concerned about splitting the number. If that part were stay down for a large part o the match, I would be concerned about it covering the numbers.

If you were worried, you could replace the pointy bit with clear polycarbonate. Robot looks awesome-- great job!

Were back from reveal and we finally got some video of our shooter operating in a room with a high ceiling:

But, In this video the shooter is limited to 6 volts by software, the only thing I know is that it is spinning at or below 4000 rpm.

I like the robot, well done. However, doesn’t the two part mechanism for putting down the bridge violate the single appendage rule? I might not be seeing it, but it doesn’t appear to be one contiguous appendage outside the frame. If this indeed is the case, a quick fix might be just to tie a cable/string from one side to the other so that they are “contiguous”.

We have a piece of threaded rod connecting the two sides when it is outside the frame perimeter.

Ok, now that the robot is done here is pictures of it all put together:

Final weight: 118.8 Pounds

More picures in this web album: