Team 166 will be covering the new 2011 control system, the 2011 dashboard software, the C++ and Java changes and our Chopshop C++ Multitasking Framework at our Merrimack Beta Workshop in order to prepare teams for the upcoming season. It will be held December 12, 2010 at Merrimack High School in Merrimack, NH. More information about the workshop can be found here:
For more information, email 166first at
Will there also be a webcast/online portion?
I think it would be nice to show to my new programming members.
All of the materials that we (Chop Shop 166) will be posted online afterward, and a link will be posted in this thread.
Oh then, will it go over the basics of programming? I asked my mentor to set up a date or at least a list of programmers so I can tutor them… He never got around to it… So may be I can just show them the video
It will not, We are going over what has been changed in the beta, and a project our team has been working on that can benefit c++ programmers. We will also be going over Source control.
I didn’t mention it, but I don’t think there will be a video of our presentation, but the slide shows and all the documents we show will be posted.
As someone who has experience with programming in general ex I know C, some C++, java and plenty more but not WPIlib or anything with the cRIO would this be helpful. This is my rookie year (and my team’s) and I am doing all the programming for my team so I’ve been reading up on WPILib, even so, would it do me good to go to this? I ask because I can get there just not super conveniently.
To be honest, I don’t think it would prove worth it for you. We will be going over whats changed since last year, and talk about Source control, for teams with multiple programmers. We will also go over a project that our team has been working on for teams using c++.
As I said earlier, all the materials will be posted online afterward, so you can look at them later. If you have any questions then I’d be glad to answer them.
Brad Miller (WPILib author) will be present and will talk about Java programming and WPILib in general. So I think this would be a great opportunity for any programmers wanting more knowledge about WPILib.
There will also be a Q&A period and if time & # of attendees permit, an opportunity to work hands-on with WPILib.
Depending on the groups attending, we can tailor the presentation.
The Presentation will go something like this:
Beta Test Activities
Control System Updates
Imaging tool
Driver Station
FRC Programming
Chop Shop Secret Project
Source Control
Snack break
WPILIB 2010 and 2011 -by Brad Miller
Java programming -by Brad Miller
Can’t wait to see everyone that’s coming on Sunday!
A number of teams showed up today. Thank you all for coming, I hope you all learned something.
I will edit this post with a link to the materials we covered in a little while.
edit: The powerpoints can be found at
“C++ for Dummies” is a really nice book. Pricey at $30 (Barnes & Noble), but it includes sample code and Code:Blocks (freeware) for installation. It won’t tell you everything you want to know, but a nice primer.
So, when will the charts be posted?
If your talking about the slideshows, I posted a link in my previous post, but they can be found at Beta Workshop
Otherwise, can you please clarify your question?
Sorry, I missed the link in your earlier message.
Just so you know, the link to the Google Code page for framework166 on your website is broken (Sub-Teams -> Software -> Framework repository links to instead of the correct
There is a lot of interesting and useful ideas in framework166, especially your approach to multitasking. Thanks for releasing the code, it will come in handy for the upcoming year!
Thanks for pointing that out. It should be fixed now.
Its nice to know that someone is looking at it.
Wow, that framework looks extremely useful. Just checking that is something that any team can use within liscensing and FRC rules correct? Also noobish question how would I go about linking in that library to another project or would I just open framework as a project(as I believe it is so, I don’t have windriver yet though but the unix hidden files indicate so) and edit the Autonomous.cpp and Robot.cpp and their respective.h files and upload that?
Thanks, I know that was a bit convoluted
Yes, any team can use it, within the rules. I just checked, and from last year states “For the purposes of the FRC, generally available software modules obtained from open sources (e.g. professional publications, commonly used FRC community-accessible web resources, industry source code repositories, etc.) that are not specifically affiliated with individual FRC teams shall be considered COTS items, and may be used.” Since it was published on Googlecode, which isn’t affiliated with any team, and it was posted here, it’s safe to use.
It’s not a noobish question at all. The way the framework is designed, you download the .zip and open it as a project. We should probably write this in a readme or similar, but you actually don’t need to edit Robot.* at all.
The only files you need to change are:
- Autonomous.cpp
- Autonomous.h
- Defines.h
- Includes.h
- Tasks.h
- TaskTemplate.cpp
- TaskTemplate.h
The template file is the bare-bones implementation of a Framework task. Most, if not all, of the places you might need to change are marked with this comment:
You know, I’m going to go make a sample Task that does something really simple, just to give an example.
EDIT: Alright, I attached a sample task. This logs the x, y, and z axes of the first joystick, as well as demonstrates proxy::add, proxy::get, and proxy::set (2.5 KB) (2.5 KB)