Time lapse video: https://youtu.be/lpZ4l5CseWE
Robot reveal video: https://youtu.be/VP4emc-K57k
Are you using the WCP Swerve modules?
They look like the MK 2’s from SDS.
Yes, they are the MK2’s. We just powder coated them.
Worked really well for us!
First double sided intake I have seen, cool.
Very cool robot just like always! I really like the dual intake and your “almost all black everything” color scheme. How did 1684 manage to make the colors blend into each other? The effect is super awesome.
One of our mentors is a powder coating wizard who takes pride in helping with the color scheme. His fades for our accent colors are his trademark. They’ve been on the past few robots as well. We’re quite grateful!
He also helps a few other teams with their powder coating.
Would you believe the team’s initial crazy thought was to have four?! Ha!
The double sided did work quite well as intended. Sure hope we get to use them again!
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