“The wait is over! This season didn’t start 6 weeks ago, this season started at the end of March 2015. We said then that we are taking this team in a different direction and to meet challenges that we have never faced before. Well 11 months later we have done exactly that. We are not just a team anymore, we are a family. we are 25 members strong, half being girls. We have a new dynamic and it’s way more than the robot.
We are proud to say after all of the hard work; But this is bag day and we have one more announcement! So we’ve done enough teasing today and FIRST Team 1708 Amp’D Robotics would like to introduce you to our 2016 competition robot HeartBreaker and the practice robot NightClub” -Jason
Some Specifications:
4 CIM Drive with Custom Gearboxes
custom cut Sheetmetal frame
2x 775’s with Vex Pro gearboxes
Custom 3D-printed pulleys with polycord
Able to go under Portcullis
Intentionally set higher on robot for arc and to avoid defensive blocking robots
2x 775’s with dual reduction (3:1)
High Goal and Low Goal capable
-Able to go through/over B,C,D defenses and can go through the low bar (hopefully not needed :D)
**Sensors **
2 Encoders
Gyro Sensor
26" stroke Pneumatic Cylinder with 4 custom hooks
We will be posting a reveal video in a couple of days.
Hope to see everyone at the Pittsburgh Regional and Queens City Regional!
Well, I guess that would be legal, as it’s only illegal to pass COMPLETELY over the low bar. I’m assuming passing through will remove the bar, but part of the robot would be considered to pass under it. Wait…that would be damaging the field…maybe it will split in half and the top half will jump over??
Akash- Appreciate the comment! To be honest everything. We revamped the way us as mentors are teaching/mentoring the students. We completely overhauled the approach we take throughout the year leading up to the competition reveal to foster the new students slowly into the aspects of the season. The main focus this year was submitting Chairman’s and I can officially say this is the first year we actually did.
Awesome. I love seeing exactly when certain teams flip that “switch.” Very excited to see how you guys do, as long as you make good use of the practice bot.
Yep been doing this for a decent amount of time and can for sure say this year has been an eye opening start. (Always put the practice bot to good use for the driving)
I’m curious. You say you lift the portcullis “to go under”. I’m confused on how none of the rest of your robot would get stuck. Perhaps I’m missing something, or is this more “word play”.
Wait wait wait, so it is legal to go through the low bar and you dont have to go under it, is that what im hearing??? Because this is definitely something i havent thought about yet
You will just have to stay tuned at competition not giving my details at the moment. You are not missing anything and was not meant for “wordplay” as the other sentence haha.